API Reference
Autograph Module
- class Autograph.AVProjectItem
- getMainAudioEffectInstance(self: Autograph.AVProjectItem) Autograph.Effect
- hasAudio(self: Autograph.AVProjectItem) bool
Returns true if the media file has an audio track
- hasVideo(self: Autograph.AVProjectItem) bool
Returns true if the media file has a video track or is an image
- class Autograph.Application
Application is the main singleton object giving access to all objects of Autograph throughout the lifetime of the process.
- Any = <EffectType.Any: 13>
- Audio = <EffectType.Audio: 9>
- Boolean = <EffectType.Boolean: 6>
- class EffectType
- Any = <EffectType.Any: 13>
- Audio = <EffectType.Audio: 9>
- Boolean = <EffectType.Boolean: 6>
- Image = <EffectType.Image: 8>
- Material3D = <EffectType.Material3D: 11>
- Mesh3D = <EffectType.Mesh3D: 10>
- Numeric = <EffectType.Numeric: 0>
- Numeric2D = <EffectType.Numeric2D: 1>
- Numeric3D = <EffectType.Numeric3D: 2>
- Numeric4D = <EffectType.Numeric4D: 3>
- String = <EffectType.String: 7>
- Table = <EffectType.Table: 12>
- Transform2D = <EffectType.Transform2D: 4>
- Transform3D = <EffectType.Transform3D: 5>
- property name
- property value
- Image = <EffectType.Image: 8>
- Material3D = <EffectType.Material3D: 11>
- Mesh3D = <EffectType.Mesh3D: 10>
- Numeric = <EffectType.Numeric: 0>
- Numeric2D = <EffectType.Numeric2D: 1>
- Numeric3D = <EffectType.Numeric3D: 2>
- Numeric4D = <EffectType.Numeric4D: 3>
- String = <EffectType.String: 7>
- Table = <EffectType.Table: 12>
- Transform2D = <EffectType.Transform2D: 4>
- Transform3D = <EffectType.Transform3D: 5>
- createProject(self: Autograph.Application, background: bool) object
Create a new empty project. If
is True, the project will not have a window
- getActiveProject(self: Autograph.Application) object
Returns the currently active project, i.e: the active window or the command-line’s main project
- getApplicationDirPath(self: Autograph.Application) str
Returns the application’s executable directory path
- getGeneratorsClassID(self: Autograph.Application, type: Autograph.Application.EffectType) List[str]
Returns a list of the class ID of all generator
classes available for the giventype
. The class IDs are used to create instances of anEffect
- getModifiersClassID(self: Autograph.Application, type: Autograph.Application.EffectType) List[str]
Returns a list of the class ID of all modifier
classes available for the giventype
. The class IDs are used to create instances of anEffect
- getProjects(self: Autograph.Application) List[Autograph.Project]
Returns all existing projects
- getPythonScriptsDirPath(self: Autograph.Application) str
Returns the directory path where Autograph tries to find init scripts executed on start-up
- getQmlEngine(self: Autograph.Application) QQmlEngine
Returns the application’s main QQmlEngine used to instanciate qml code
- isBackground(self: Autograph.Application) bool
Returns whether the application is running in command-line or not
- onApplicationClosing(self: Autograph.Application, callback: object) None
Register a callback invoked right before the application is exiting. The function signature must have the following arguments: callback()
- onProjectAboutToClose(self: Autograph.Application, callback: object) None
Register a callback invoked right before a project is closing. The function signature must have the following arguments: callback(
- onProjectAboutToLoad(self: Autograph.Application, callback: object) None
Register a callback invoked right before a project is is loading from file. The function signature must have the following arguments: callback(project:
, filePath:str
- onProjectClosed(self: Autograph.Application, callback: object) None
Register a callback invoked right after a project is closed. The function signature must have the following arguments: callback(
- onProjectCreated(self: Autograph.Application, callback: object) None
Register a callback invoked right after a project is created (regardless whether it is loaded or not). The function signature must have the following arguments: callback(
- onProjectLoaded(self: Autograph.Application, callback: object) None
Register a callback invoked right after a project is finished loading. The function signature must have the following arguments: callback(project:
- registerAndLoadSettings(self: Autograph.Application, settings: Autograph.Settings, name: str) None
Register a
object to be saved as a JSON file in the user settings directory. Thename
is the basename of the JSON file and must be unique. This function raises an error if a Settings class is already registered against that name. This function will load any existing settings file.
- registerMenuItem(self: Autograph.Application, callback: object, hierarchy: str, iconFilePath: str, keySequence: str) None
Register a new action in the window’s menubar.
must be a function with the following signature: callback()hierarchy
: a ‘/’ separated string of the menu hierarchy, e.g: ‘My Company/Addon/My Action’keySequence
: A string containing a shortcut sequence to activate the action, e.g: ‘CTRL+SHIFT+L’
- registerPanelClass(self: Autograph.Application, createFunction: object, pluginID: str, label: str, iconFilePath: str, isSingleton: bool) None
Register a new
: A string identifier to uniquely identify this panel class in Autograph, typically something like ‘com.mycompany.MyPanel’label
: The default UI name displayed for the paneliconFilePath
: Optional. A path to an icon file (svg, png, jpg) that should be used in the UIisSingleton
: If True, the Panel can only exist once in the project (e.g: similar to the Properties Panel for example). If False, the user can create multiple instances of the Panel.
- class Autograph.AudioLayer
is itself aEffect
and represents one audio track in aAudioMix
. They mainly hold parameters on which you can set value and connect a source. Most functions in this API to access parameters are stricly optionnal as you could very well just useEffect.param()
and fetch params by name. For convenience, commonly used params have had an accessor function defined. Layers are inserted in an AudioMix withAudioMix.addLayer()
, e.g:audioMix.addLayer(Autograph.AudioLayer())
- property animatedEnable
- getIndexInComposition(self: Autograph.AudioLayer) int
- property globalEnable
- property globalSolo
- property outputSpeed
- property source
- property timeOffset
- property uiColor
- property volumeGain
- class Autograph.AudioMix
An AudioMix maintains a list of
ordered from the bottom of the visual stack to the top.- addLayer(self: Autograph.AudioMix, layer: Autograph.AudioLayer, pushUndoCommand: bool = False) None
Add a layer on top of the AudioMix stack. If
is True, andUndoCommand
is pushed in the main undo stack
- property afterMode
The param that controls the after mode
- property beforeMode
The param that controls the before mode
- property duration
The duration, in seconds, of the AudioMix
- getLayerAtIndex(self: Autograph.AudioMix, index: int) Autograph.AudioLayer
Returns the layer at the given
- getLayerByUniqueName(self: Autograph.AudioMix, name: str) Autograph.AudioLayer
Returns the layer matching the given unique
- getLayerIndex(self: Autograph.AudioMix, layer: Autograph.AudioLayer) int
Get the index of the given
- getLayers(self: Autograph.AudioMix) List[Autograph.AudioLayer]
Returns a list of all layers
- getNumLayers(self: Autograph.AudioMix) int
Returns the number of layers in the stack
- insertLayer(self: Autograph.AudioMix, layer: Autograph.AudioLayer, index: int, pushUndoCommand: bool = False) None
Inserts a layer at the given index in the AudioMix stack. Indices are ordered from bottom to top, i.e: in reverse to what is displayed in the UI. If
is True, andUndoCommand
is pushed in the main undo stack
- moveLayer(self: Autograph.AudioMix, oldIndex: int, newIndex: int, pushUndoCommand: bool = False) None
Moves the layer at
in the AudioMix stack. IfpushUndoCommand
is True, andUndoCommand
is pushed in the main undo stack
- onLayerInserted(self: Autograph.AudioMix, callback: object) None
Register a callback invoked when a layer is inserted. The function signature must be: callback(self:
, layer:AudioLayer
- onLayerMoved(self: Autograph.AudioMix, callback: object) None
Register a callback invoked when a layer is moved. The function signature must be: callback(self:
, oldIndex:int
, newIndex:int
- onLayerRemoved(self: Autograph.AudioMix, callback: object) None
Register a callback invoked when a layer is removed. The function signature must be: callback(self:
, index:int
- removeLayer(self: Autograph.AudioMix, layer: Autograph.AudioLayer, pushUndoCommand: bool = False) None
Removes the given
from the AudioMix stack. IfpushUndoCommand
is True, andUndoCommand
is pushed in the main undo stack
- removeLayerAtIndex(self: Autograph.AudioMix, index: int, pushUndoCommand: bool = False) None
Remove the layer at the given
in the AudioMix stack. IfpushUndoCommand
is True, andUndoCommand
is pushed in the main undo stack
- property sampleFormat
The param that controls the sample format
- property sampleRate
(int) The number of audio samples per second
- property startingTime
The starting time (in seconds) of the AudioMix. Mainly useful for the UI
- class Autograph.BoolParamBase
Base class for value based Params of a given type and fixed number of dimensions. This class exposes the animation curve with
which can be used to manipulate keyframes.- getCurve(self: Autograph.BoolParamBase, dimension: int = 0) Autograph.Curve
Returns the animation curve of this Param at the given
- getValue(self: Autograph.BoolParamBase, time: float = KeyFrame.InvalidTime, dimension: int = 0) bool
Get the value of the param, applying generator/modifiers if any at the given
and for the givendimension
- getValues(self: Autograph.BoolParamBase, time: float = inf) List[bool[1]]
For a multi-dimensional Param, get the values of the param across each dimension, applying generator/modifiers if any at the given
and returns a list with the values
- hasKeyFrames(self: Autograph.BoolParamBase, dimension: int = 0) bool
Returns true if the Param has keyframes in the
at the givendimension
- setDefaultValue(self: Autograph.BoolParamBase, value: bool, dimension: int = 0) None
Set the default value of the Param at the given
- setDefaultValues(self: Autograph.BoolParamBase, values: List[bool[1]]) None
Set the default value of the Param across all dimensions
- setValue(self: Autograph.BoolParamBase, value: bool, time: float = KeyFrame.InvalidTime, dimension: int = 0, pushUndoCommand: bool = False) None
Set the value of the param at the given
and givendimension
. IfpushUndoCommand
is True, andUndoCommand
will be pushed in the main undo stack. Iftime
and if the Param doesn’t have any animation, no keyframe will be inserted.
- setValueAndDefaultValue(self: Autograph.BoolParamBase, value: bool, dimension: int = 0) None
Same as
but also set the current value
- setValues(self: Autograph.BoolParamBase, values: List[bool[1]], time: float = KeyFrame.InvalidTime, pushUndoCommand: bool = False) None
Same as
but for all dimensions at once
- setValuesAndDefaultValues(self: Autograph.BoolParamBase, values: List[bool[1]]) None
Same as
but also set the current value
- class Autograph.ChoiceParam
. The value of the param contains the current menu entry ID. The menu itself gives access to the list of menuChoiceParamOption
where each option has a unique entry ID.- getMenu(self: Autograph.ChoiceParam) Autograph.ChoiceParamMenu
- getPreviewEnabled(self: Autograph.ChoiceParam) bool
- setPreviewEnabled(self: Autograph.ChoiceParam, enabled: bool) None
- class Autograph.ChoiceParamMenu
- addEntry(self: Autograph.ChoiceParamMenu, entry: Autograph.ChoiceParamEntry) None
- clear(self: Autograph.ChoiceParamMenu) None
- getEntries(self: Autograph.ChoiceParamMenu) List[Autograph.ChoiceParamEntry]
- getEntryAtIndex(self: Autograph.ChoiceParamMenu, index: int) Autograph.ChoiceParamEntry
- getNumEntries(self: Autograph.ChoiceParamMenu) int
- removeEntry(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
removeEntry(self: Autograph.ChoiceParamMenu, entry: Autograph.ChoiceParamEntry) -> None
removeEntry(self: Autograph.ChoiceParamMenu, index: int) -> None
- class Autograph.ChoiceParamOption
- property description
- property iconFilePath
- property label
- property shortcutID
- class Autograph.CompRender
A CompRender defines a list of
to render for a givenComposition
- cancelRender(self: Autograph.CompRender) None
Cancel all
in the list being rendered
- property compNameOverride
is true, this is used instead of the Composition name
- property enabled
class=`CompRender` when starting the render queue
- Type:
Whether or not to consider this
- property exportDirectory
The directory where to render the files
- getComposition(self: Autograph.CompRender) Autograph.Composition
Returns the attached
- getInstanceAtIndex(self: Autograph.CompRender, index: int) Autograph.CompRenderInstance
Returns the
at the given index
- getInstanceIndex(self: Autograph.CompRender, render: Autograph.CompRenderInstance) int
Returns a render instance index
- getInstances(self: Autograph.CompRender) List[Autograph.CompRenderInstance]
Returns the list of all
- getNumInstances(self: Autograph.CompRender) int
Returns the number of
in the list
- getProgress(self: Autograph.CompRender) float
Returns the current progress of the render, in the range [0,1]
- insertInstance(self: Autograph.CompRender, instance: Autograph.CompRenderInstance, index: int = -1) None
Insert a new render instance at the given index
- moveInstance(self: Autograph.CompRender, oldIndex: int, newIndex: int) None
Move a render instance in the list
- onProgressChanged(self: Autograph.CompRender, callback: object) None
Register a callback invoked when the overall progression of the
has changed. The function signature must be: callback(self:CompRender
, progress:float
- property overrideCompNameEnabled
If true, the
will be used instead of the Composition name
- removeInstance(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
removeInstance(self: Autograph.CompRender, arg0: int) -> None
Remove the render instance at the given index
removeInstance(self: Autograph.CompRender, arg0: Autograph.CompRenderInstance) -> None
Remove the given render instance
- setComposition(self: Autograph.CompRender, composition: Autograph.Composition) None
Set the
to render
- class Autograph.CompRenderFile
A CompRenderFile corresponds to one output video file/image sequence of a
. This is where all file format and codec specific settings are set.- property audioCodec
The audio codec name to use
- property audioEnabled
Enable audio rendering. This is useful if an audio track is supplied
- property colorspace
The colorspace name to use
- property colorspaceEnabled
Whether or not to enable colorspace conversion
- property directorySuffix
Add a suffix to the directory path
- property enabled
Whether or not to consider this file when starting the render
- property fileFormat
The file format name to use
- property filePathOverride
If non empty, completely override the entire output file path to this value
- isEffectiveEnabled(self: Autograph.CompRenderFile) bool
Returns true if this instance is enabled and its parent
is enabled and its parentCompRender
is also enabled
- property nameOverride
Override the Composition name to this value
- onFrameRendered(self: Autograph.CompRenderFile, callback: object) None
Register a callback invoked when a frame is rendered. The function signature must be: callback(self:
, frame:int
, frameFilePath: :class=`str).frameFilePath
points to the image file for this frame for an image sequence, otherwise it is always the same output video file-path.
- onProgressChanged(self: Autograph.CompRenderFile, callback: object) None
Register a callback invoked when the progression of this file has changed. The function signature must be: callback(self:
, progress:float
- onRenderFinished(self: Autograph.CompRenderFile, callback: object) None
Register a callback invoked when the render of this file is finished. The function signature must be: callback(self:
- onRenderStarted(self: Autograph.CompRenderFile, callback: object) None
Register a callback invoked when the render of this file is started. The function signature must be: callback(self:
- property overrideNameEnabled
Whether or not to enable
- property overwriteFile
If a video/image file already exists, whether or not to override it. If disabled, the renderer will skip rendering that frame
- setProperty(self: Autograph.CompRenderFile, name: str, value: object) bool
A general function to set property values of the render file. See the command-line API documentation or the UI of render file to see the list of available properties, their name and possible values.
- property videoCodec
The video codec name to use
- property videoEnabled
Enable video rendering. This is useful to export only Audio tracks
- class Autograph.CompRenderInstance
A CompRenderInstance defines all parameters of a Composition to be rendered. Each
in the list will then take the output of the render and encode it to the appropriate image/video file. This is useful to render the same Composition with the same parameters in various output formats/codecs.- class InterlaceMode
- Lower = <InterlaceMode.Lower: 2>
- None = <InterlaceMode.None: 0>
- Upper = <InterlaceMode.Upper: 1>
- property name
- property value
- Lower = <InterlaceMode.Lower: 2>
- None = <InterlaceMode.None: 0>
- Upper = <InterlaceMode.Upper: 1>
- cancelRender(self: Autograph.CompRenderInstance) None
Cancel the render of all :class=`CompRenderFile` in the list
- property continueOnError
Whether or not to continue rendering if a frame failed
- property directorySuffix
This is used as a suffix to the directory path set in the parent
- property downscaleLevel
1 computes the image at 50%, 2 at 25% etc…
- Type:
The downscale level to apply to the image as a power of 2, i.e
- property enabled
Whether or not to consider this instance when starting the render
- property frameRangeOverride
Set the frame-range override of the Composition. This is a [
] pair where the second timecode is 1 frame beyond the last frame
- property frameRangeOverrideEnabled
Enable the override of the frame range of the Composition
- property frameStep
Set the number of frames that should be incremented after rendering a frame. Defaults to 1
- property framerateOverride
Set the Composition framerate to the given value. This is only used if framerateOverrideEnabled is True
- property framerateOverrideEnabled
Enable the
- getAverageFrameRenderTime(self: Autograph.CompRenderInstance) float
Returns the average frame render time for this instance
- getETA(self: Autograph.CompRenderInstance) float
Returns the remaining time to render this instance, in seconds
- getEffectiveFramerate(self: Autograph.CompRenderInstance) float
Returns the current framerate of the Composition
- getFileAtIndex(self: Autograph.CompRenderInstance, index: int) Autograph.CompRenderFile
Returns a
at the given index
- getFileIndex(self: Autograph.CompRenderInstance, render: Autograph.CompRenderFile) int
Returns a file index in the list
- getFiles(self: Autograph.CompRenderInstance) List[Autograph.CompRenderFile]
Returns all
in the list
- getFormat(self: Autograph.CompRenderInstance) Tuple[int, int, float]
Returns the current Composition format or the format overriden by setFormat()
- getNumFiles(self: Autograph.CompRenderInstance) int
Returns the number of files in the list
- getPrefixOrSuffix(self: Autograph.CompRenderInstance) Tuple[str, bool]
- getProgress(self: Autograph.CompRenderInstance) float
Get the current progress of this render
- getTotalRenderTime(self: Autograph.CompRenderInstance) float
Returns the total render time of this instance, in seconds
- insertFile(self: Autograph.CompRenderInstance, File: Autograph.CompRenderFile, index: int = -1) None
Insert a
in the list at the given index
- property interlaceMode
The interlacing mode to use
- isEffectiveEnabled(self: Autograph.CompRenderInstance) bool
Returns true if this instance is enabled and its parent
is also enabled
- moveFile(self: Autograph.CompRenderInstance, oldIndex: int, newIndex: int) None
Move a file in the list
- property nameOverride
is True, this is used instead of the Composition name
- onFrameRendered(self: Autograph.CompRenderInstance, callback: object) None
Register a callback invoked when a frame is rendered. The function signature must be: callback(self:
, frame:int
- onProgressChanged(self: Autograph.CompRenderInstance, callback: object) None
Register a callback invoked when the progression of this instance has changed. The function signature must be: callback(self:
, progress:float
- onRenderFinished(self: Autograph.CompRenderInstance, callback: object) None
Register a callback invoked when the render of this instance is finished. The function signature must be: callback(self:
- onRenderStarted(self: Autograph.CompRenderInstance, callback: object) None
Register a callback invoked when the render of this instance is started. The function signature must be: callback(self:
- property overrideNameEnabled
If True, override the Composition name by
- removeFile(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
removeFile(self: Autograph.CompRenderInstance, arg0: int) -> None
Remove a file at the given index
removeFile(self: Autograph.CompRenderInstance, arg0: Autograph.CompRenderFile) -> None
Remove the given file from the list
- property roi
Restricts the render region to the given rectangle in the form [left, bottom, right, top]
- setFormat(self: Autograph.CompRenderInstance, width: int, height: int, pixelAspectRatio: float = 1.0) None
Override the Composition format to this format
- setPrefixOrSuffix(self: Autograph.CompRenderInstance, string: str, isPrefix: bool) None
Set a prefix or suffix text to the filename
- setToSourceFormat(self: Autograph.CompRenderInstance) None
Revert back the format to the original Composition’s format
- class Autograph.Composition
A Composition maintains a list of
ordered from the bottom of the visual stack to the top.- addLayer(self: Autograph.Composition, layer: Autograph.LayerBase, pushUndoCommand: bool = False) None
Add a layer on top of the Composition stack. If
is True, andUndoCommand
is pushed in the main undo stack
- property afterMode
The param that controls the after mode
- property beforeMode
The param that controls the before mode
- property duration
The duration, in seconds, of the Composition
- property enableCaching
The param that controls the enable caching
- property framerate
(float) The number of frames per seconds of the Composition
- getFormat(self: Autograph.Composition) Tuple[int, int, float]
Returns a tuple containing [width, height, pixelAspectRatio]
- getLayerAtIndex(self: Autograph.Composition, index: int) Autograph.LayerBase
Returns the layer at the given
- getLayerByUniqueName(self: Autograph.Composition, name: str) Autograph.LayerBase
Returns the layer matching the given unique
- getLayerIndex(self: Autograph.Composition, layer: Autograph.LayerBase) int
Get the index of the given
- getLayers(self: Autograph.Composition) List[Autograph.LayerBase]
Returns a list of all layers
- getNumLayers(self: Autograph.Composition) int
Returns the number of layers in the stack
- insertLayer(self: Autograph.Composition, layer: Autograph.LayerBase, index: int, pushUndoCommand: bool = False) None
Inserts a layer at the given index in the Composition stack. Indices are ordered from bottom to top, i.e: in reverse to what is displayed in the UI. If
is True, andUndoCommand
is pushed in the main undo stack
- property mainComposition
Set whether the Composition is the main composition of the project. This is useful when the Composition is used in a template or in Autograph Live Link
- moveLayer(self: Autograph.Composition, oldIndex: int, newIndex: int, pushUndoCommand: bool = False) None
Moves the layer at
in the Composition stack. IfpushUndoCommand
is True, andUndoCommand
is pushed in the main undo stack
- onLayerInserted(self: Autograph.Composition, callback: object) None
Register a callback invoked when a layer is inserted. The function signature must be: callback(self:
, layer:LayerBase
- onLayerMoved(self: Autograph.Composition, callback: object) None
Register a callback invoked when a layer is moved. The function signature must be: callback(self:
, oldIndex:int
, newIndex:int
- onLayerRemoved(self: Autograph.Composition, callback: object) None
Register a callback invoked when a layer is removed. The function signature must be: callback(self:
, index:int
- removeLayer(self: Autograph.Composition, layer: Autograph.LayerBase, pushUndoCommand: bool = False) None
Removes the given
from the Composition stack. IfpushUndoCommand
is True, andUndoCommand
is pushed in the main undo stack
- removeLayerAtIndex(self: Autograph.Composition, index: int, pushUndoCommand: bool = False) None
Remove the layer at the given
in the Composition stack. IfpushUndoCommand
is True, andUndoCommand
is pushed in the main undo stack
- setFormat(self: Autograph.Composition, width: int, height: int, pixelAspectRatio: float) None
Set the format of the Composition
- property startingTime
The starting time (in seconds) of the Composition. Mainly useful for the UI
- class Autograph.Curve
- property autoTangentsRefreshEnabled
When disabled, prevent keyframes with automatic derivatives (such as Cubic, Catmull-Rom, Smooth) to be automatically calculated. This is useful for example if calling setKeyframe iteratively to insert multiple keyframe. If disabled, it would be called after each call to setKeyframe
- clear(self: Autograph.Curve) None
Clear all keyframes
- copy(self: Autograph.Curve, otherCurve: Autograph.Curve) None
Copy another curve
- getKeyFrameAtIndex(self: Autograph.Curve, index: float) Autograph.KeyFrame
Returns the keyframe at the given
in increasing time order or an invalid keyframe otherwise
- getKeyFrameAtTime(self: Autograph.Curve, time: float) Autograph.KeyFrame
Returns the keyframe at the given
, or an invalid keyframe otherwise
- getKeyFrameCount(self: Autograph.Curve) int
Number of keyframes in the curve
- getKeyFrames(self: Autograph.Curve) Set[Autograph.KeyFrame]
Returns a list of all keyframes
- getKeyFramesInRange(self: Autograph.Curve, minTime: float, maxTime: float) Set[Autograph.KeyFrame]
Get a list of keyframes in the range [minTime, maxTime] where maxTime is included
- getNearestKeyFrame(self: Autograph.Curve, time: float) Autograph.KeyFrame
Get the nearest keyframe to
, or an invalid keyframe otherwise
- getNextKeyFrame(self: Autograph.Curve, time: float) Autograph.KeyFrame
Returns the nearest next keyframe to
, or an invalid keyframe otherwise
- getPreviousKeyFrame(self: Autograph.Curve, time: float) Autograph.KeyFrame
Returns the nearest previous keyframe to
, or an invalid keyframe otherwise
- getValueAtTime(self: Autograph.Curve, time: float) object
Evaluates the animation curve at the given
and returns the interpolated value
- hasKeyFrameAtTime(self: Autograph.Curve, time: float) bool
Returns True if a keyframe exists at the given
- moveKeyFrame(self: Autograph.Curve, oldTime: float, newTime: float) bool
Move a keyframe from one time to another, in seconds
- refreshAllAutoTangents(self: Autograph.Curve) None
Refresh all tangents that have automatic derivatives interpolation schemes (such as Cubic, Catmull-Rom, Smooth)
- removeKeyFrame(self: Autograph.Curve, time: float) None
Remove a keyframe at the given
- removeKeyFrames(self: Autograph.Curve, times: List[float]) None
Remove multiple keyframes at once
- removeKeyFramesInRange(self: Autograph.Curve, minTime: float, maxTime: float) None
Remove all keyframes in the range [minTime, maxTime[ where any keyframe at maxTime is excluded
- setKeyFrame(self: Autograph.Curve, keyframe: Autograph.KeyFrame) bool
Set a
in the curve
- setKeyFrames(self: Autograph.Curve, keyframes: List[Autograph.KeyFrame]) bool
Set multiples keyframes in the curve at once
- class Autograph.CustomPanel
Base-class for custom Panel classes. Derive this class and override functions with your own implementation. Custom panel classes must be registered to the
- createMainItem(self: Autograph.CustomPanel) QQuickItem
Implement to create the main QQuickItem of the panel. A typical implementation would be:
# Create a QQmlComponent from the QML file comp = QQmlComponent(Autograph.app.getQmlEngine(), Autograph.app.getPythonScriptsDirPath() + ‘/MyPanel.qml’) # Create an instance of the compoonent, passing it a QObject as property to interact with our Python properties return comp.createWithInitialProperties({“panel”: self._obj})
- loadFromProject(self: Autograph.CustomPanel, value: object) None
Implement to load the values contained in the dict
that was returned fromsaveInProject()
- loadFromWorkspace(self: Autograph.CustomPanel, value: object) None
Load data that were saved with
- saveInProject(self: Autograph.CustomPanel) object
Implement to return a dict of the data to save with the current project. This is useful if the Panel class interacts with the project and needs to store project-specific data. Values in the dict must be of type int, float, string, boolean, list, dict
- saveInWorkspace(self: Autograph.CustomPanel) object
Implement to return a dict of the data to save with the workspace. Values save in the workspace can be shared across the project. This is useful to store settings of the panel that should be per-workspace specific. Values in the dict must be of type int, float, string, boolean, list, dict
- class Autograph.DashPatternParam
- class Autograph.DoubleParam2DBase
Base class for value based Params of a given type and fixed number of dimensions. This class exposes the animation curve with
which can be used to manipulate keyframes.- getCurve(self: Autograph.DoubleParam2DBase, dimension: int = 0) Autograph.Curve
Returns the animation curve of this Param at the given
- getValue(self: Autograph.DoubleParam2DBase, time: float = KeyFrame.InvalidTime, dimension: int = 0) float
Get the value of the param, applying generator/modifiers if any at the given
and for the givendimension
- getValues(self: Autograph.DoubleParam2DBase, time: float = inf) List[float[2]]
For a multi-dimensional Param, get the values of the param across each dimension, applying generator/modifiers if any at the given
and returns a list with the values
- hasKeyFrames(self: Autograph.DoubleParam2DBase, dimension: int = 0) bool
Returns true if the Param has keyframes in the
at the givendimension
- setDefaultValue(self: Autograph.DoubleParam2DBase, value: float, dimension: int = 0) None
Set the default value of the Param at the given
- setDefaultValues(self: Autograph.DoubleParam2DBase, values: List[float[2]]) None
Set the default value of the Param across all dimensions
- setValue(self: Autograph.DoubleParam2DBase, value: float, time: float = KeyFrame.InvalidTime, dimension: int = 0, pushUndoCommand: bool = False) None
Set the value of the param at the given
and givendimension
. IfpushUndoCommand
is True, andUndoCommand
will be pushed in the main undo stack. Iftime
and if the Param doesn’t have any animation, no keyframe will be inserted.
- setValueAndDefaultValue(self: Autograph.DoubleParam2DBase, value: float, dimension: int = 0) None
Same as
but also set the current value
- setValues(self: Autograph.DoubleParam2DBase, values: List[float[2]], time: float = KeyFrame.InvalidTime, pushUndoCommand: bool = False) None
Same as
but for all dimensions at once
- setValuesAndDefaultValues(self: Autograph.DoubleParam2DBase, values: List[float[2]]) None
Same as
but also set the current value
- class Autograph.DoubleParam3DBase
Base class for value based Params of a given type and fixed number of dimensions. This class exposes the animation curve with
which can be used to manipulate keyframes.- getCurve(self: Autograph.DoubleParam3DBase, dimension: int = 0) Autograph.Curve
Returns the animation curve of this Param at the given
- getValue(self: Autograph.DoubleParam3DBase, time: float = KeyFrame.InvalidTime, dimension: int = 0) float
Get the value of the param, applying generator/modifiers if any at the given
and for the givendimension
- getValues(self: Autograph.DoubleParam3DBase, time: float = inf) List[float[3]]
For a multi-dimensional Param, get the values of the param across each dimension, applying generator/modifiers if any at the given
and returns a list with the values
- hasKeyFrames(self: Autograph.DoubleParam3DBase, dimension: int = 0) bool
Returns true if the Param has keyframes in the
at the givendimension
- setDefaultValue(self: Autograph.DoubleParam3DBase, value: float, dimension: int = 0) None
Set the default value of the Param at the given
- setDefaultValues(self: Autograph.DoubleParam3DBase, values: List[float[3]]) None
Set the default value of the Param across all dimensions
- setValue(self: Autograph.DoubleParam3DBase, value: float, time: float = KeyFrame.InvalidTime, dimension: int = 0, pushUndoCommand: bool = False) None
Set the value of the param at the given
and givendimension
. IfpushUndoCommand
is True, andUndoCommand
will be pushed in the main undo stack. Iftime
and if the Param doesn’t have any animation, no keyframe will be inserted.
- setValueAndDefaultValue(self: Autograph.DoubleParam3DBase, value: float, dimension: int = 0) None
Same as
but also set the current value
- setValues(self: Autograph.DoubleParam3DBase, values: List[float[3]], time: float = KeyFrame.InvalidTime, pushUndoCommand: bool = False) None
Same as
but for all dimensions at once
- setValuesAndDefaultValues(self: Autograph.DoubleParam3DBase, values: List[float[3]]) None
Same as
but also set the current value
- class Autograph.DoubleParam4DBase
Base class for value based Params of a given type and fixed number of dimensions. This class exposes the animation curve with
which can be used to manipulate keyframes.- getCurve(self: Autograph.DoubleParam4DBase, dimension: int = 0) Autograph.Curve
Returns the animation curve of this Param at the given
- getValue(self: Autograph.DoubleParam4DBase, time: float = KeyFrame.InvalidTime, dimension: int = 0) float
Get the value of the param, applying generator/modifiers if any at the given
and for the givendimension
- getValues(self: Autograph.DoubleParam4DBase, time: float = inf) List[float[4]]
For a multi-dimensional Param, get the values of the param across each dimension, applying generator/modifiers if any at the given
and returns a list with the values
- hasKeyFrames(self: Autograph.DoubleParam4DBase, dimension: int = 0) bool
Returns true if the Param has keyframes in the
at the givendimension
- setDefaultValue(self: Autograph.DoubleParam4DBase, value: float, dimension: int = 0) None
Set the default value of the Param at the given
- setDefaultValues(self: Autograph.DoubleParam4DBase, values: List[float[4]]) None
Set the default value of the Param across all dimensions
- setValue(self: Autograph.DoubleParam4DBase, value: float, time: float = KeyFrame.InvalidTime, dimension: int = 0, pushUndoCommand: bool = False) None
Set the value of the param at the given
and givendimension
. IfpushUndoCommand
is True, andUndoCommand
will be pushed in the main undo stack. Iftime
and if the Param doesn’t have any animation, no keyframe will be inserted.
- setValueAndDefaultValue(self: Autograph.DoubleParam4DBase, value: float, dimension: int = 0) None
Same as
but also set the current value
- setValues(self: Autograph.DoubleParam4DBase, values: List[float[4]], time: float = KeyFrame.InvalidTime, pushUndoCommand: bool = False) None
Same as
but for all dimensions at once
- setValuesAndDefaultValues(self: Autograph.DoubleParam4DBase, values: List[float[4]]) None
Same as
but also set the current value
- class Autograph.DoubleParamBase
Base class for value based Params of a given type and fixed number of dimensions. This class exposes the animation curve with
which can be used to manipulate keyframes.- getCurve(self: Autograph.DoubleParamBase, dimension: int = 0) Autograph.Curve
Returns the animation curve of this Param at the given
- getValue(self: Autograph.DoubleParamBase, time: float = KeyFrame.InvalidTime, dimension: int = 0) float
Get the value of the param, applying generator/modifiers if any at the given
and for the givendimension
- getValues(self: Autograph.DoubleParamBase, time: float = inf) List[float[1]]
For a multi-dimensional Param, get the values of the param across each dimension, applying generator/modifiers if any at the given
and returns a list with the values
- hasKeyFrames(self: Autograph.DoubleParamBase, dimension: int = 0) bool
Returns true if the Param has keyframes in the
at the givendimension
- setDefaultValue(self: Autograph.DoubleParamBase, value: float, dimension: int = 0) None
Set the default value of the Param at the given
- setDefaultValues(self: Autograph.DoubleParamBase, values: List[float[1]]) None
Set the default value of the Param across all dimensions
- setValue(self: Autograph.DoubleParamBase, value: float, time: float = KeyFrame.InvalidTime, dimension: int = 0, pushUndoCommand: bool = False) None
Set the value of the param at the given
and givendimension
. IfpushUndoCommand
is True, andUndoCommand
will be pushed in the main undo stack. Iftime
and if the Param doesn’t have any animation, no keyframe will be inserted.
- setValueAndDefaultValue(self: Autograph.DoubleParamBase, value: float, dimension: int = 0) None
Same as
but also set the current value
- setValues(self: Autograph.DoubleParamBase, values: List[float[1]], time: float = KeyFrame.InvalidTime, pushUndoCommand: bool = False) None
Same as
but for all dimensions at once
- setValuesAndDefaultValues(self: Autograph.DoubleParamBase, values: List[float[1]]) None
Same as
but also set the current value
- class Autograph.Effect
An Effect is the base class representing anything that can be set as a generator or modifier on a
. It usually contains childParam
which can be accessed usingEffect.getParams()
. Generators and Modifiers can be created using the constructore taking a classID string. The classID must be one of the identifiers returned byApplication.getGeneratorsClassID()
.The list of each Param and their unique-name can be consulted in the user documentation. For example, here is the list of the `Image/Video Reader`<https://docs.left-angle.com/autograph/dev-master/chapters/reference/Generators/Image/com_leftangle_AppLib_ReadImageEffect/main.html>_
- property dataType
(Read-only) The data type produced by this Effect. When setting this Effect as a generator (with
) or as a modifier of a Param, the dataType must be the same asParam.dataType
- property dataTypeArity
(Read-only) The number of dimensions produced by the Effect. When setting this Effect as a generator or modifier of a Param, it must have the same number of dimensions as
- property enabled
Whether the effect should be enabled or not. It is only useful for a modifier or a
- getDisplayName(self: Autograph.Effect) str
Returns the name of the Param as displayed in the UI
- getParams(self: Autograph.Effect) List[Autograph.Param]
Returns all child Params of this Param
- getProject(self: Autograph.Effect) Autograph.Project
Returns the
this Param belongs to
- getProjectItem(self: Autograph.Effect) Autograph.ProjectItem
If this effect is owned by a
, returns a reference to it
- getUniqueName(self: Autograph.Effect) str
Returns the unique-name of the Effect
- isInProject(self: Autograph.Effect) bool
Returns True if this Effect is in the project, meaning it belongs to a parent Param and the parent itself is in the project. This is False when the Effect was just created but not yet inserted or if the user removed it from the UI
- onDisplayNameChanged(self: Autograph.Effect, arg0: object) None
Register a callback invoked when the UI name of the Effect is changed. The function signature must have the following arguments: callback(param:
- onInProjectChanged(self: Autograph.Effect, arg0: object) None
Register a callback invoked when the Effect is either inserted in the project or removed from the project. The function signature must have the following arguments: callback(effect:
- param(self: Autograph.Effect, uniqueName: str) Autograph.Param
Returns a child Param given its
or None if not found
- setDisplayName(self: Autograph.Effect, name: str) None
Set the name of the Param as displayed in the UI
- setUniqueName(self: Autograph.Effect, name: str) None
Set the unique name of the Effect. If a name already exists, a suffix will be added automatically
- class Autograph.FillStyleParam
- class Autograph.Font
- property bold
- property family
- property italic
- property kerning
- property letterSpacingPercent
- property overline
- property pixelSize
- property pointSize
- property stretch
- property strikeout
- property underline
- property weight
- property wordSpacing
- class Autograph.Geom2DParam
- property booleanOperation
- getGeometry(self: Autograph.Geom2DParam, time: float, enableModifiers: bool) Autograph.Path2D
- property transform
- class Autograph.GeomGroup2DParam
GeomGroup2DParam holds a
. When callingGeom2DParam.getGeometry()
, the paths contained in the group have their boolean operator applied on the resulting geometry.- setToPath(self: Autograph.GeomGroup2DParam, path: Autograph.Path2D) None
Clear the list of paths and make-up a new list of
based on the givenpath
. This is useful to easily setup the params with the easier API ofPath2D
- class Autograph.GradientParam
- class Autograph.GradientStopParam
- property color
- property easingAmplitude
- property easingOvershoot
- property easingPeriod
- property interpolation
- property leftInfluence
- property position
- property rightInfluence
- class Autograph.KeyFrame
A KeyFrame defines how a curve is interpolated until the next KeyFrame in a
. TheKeyFrame.leftDeriv
are Hermite interpolation curve derivatives (i.e: the slope), normalized against the time range between this keyframe and the next.Cubic Hermite form is interchangeable with cubic Bezier form where each 4 control polygon points are:
(T0, V0) be the time and value of the keyframe 0
(T1, V1) the time and value of the keyframe 1
p0pr be the right derivative at keyframe 0
p3pl be the left derivative at keyframe 1
Ar0 be the right amount at keyframe 0
Ar1 be the left amount at keyframe 1
p0 = V0 p1 = p0 + (p0pr * (T1 - T0)) / 3 p2 = p3 - (p3pl * (T1 - T0)) / 3 p3 = V1
are in the range [0,3] and are used as a multiplication factor of the time coordinates of the P1 and P2 control points of a Cubic Bezier interpolation curve.p0 = (T0, V0) p1dx = ((T1 - T0) * Ar0) / 3 p1 = (T0 + p1dx, V0 + p0pr * p1dx) p2dx = ((T1 - T0) * Ar1) / 3 p2 = (T1 - p2dx, V1 - p3pl * p2dx) p3 = (T1,V1)
When the interpolation mode is an easing preset, the
can be used to modulate the interpolation of each specific preset.- Broken = <InterpolationMode.Broken: 7>
- CatmullRom = <InterpolationMode.CatmullRom: 3>
- Constant = <InterpolationMode.Constant: 0>
- CosineCurve = <InterpolationMode.CosineCurve: 53>
- Cubic = <InterpolationMode.Cubic: 4>
- Horizontal = <InterpolationMode.Horizontal: 5>
- InBack = <InterpolationMode.InBack: 42>
- InBounce = <InterpolationMode.InBounce: 46>
- InCirc = <InterpolationMode.InCirc: 34>
- InCubic = <InterpolationMode.InCubic: 14>
- InCurve = <InterpolationMode.InCurve: 50>
- InElastic = <InterpolationMode.InElastic: 38>
- InExpo = <InterpolationMode.InExpo: 30>
- InOutBack = <InterpolationMode.InOutBack: 44>
- InOutBounce = <InterpolationMode.InOutBounce: 48>
- InOutCirc = <InterpolationMode.InOutCirc: 36>
- InOutCubic = <InterpolationMode.InOutCubic: 16>
- InOutElastic = <InterpolationMode.InOutElastic: 40>
- InOutExpo = <InterpolationMode.InOutExpo: 32>
- InOutQuad = <InterpolationMode.InOutQuad: 12>
- InOutQuart = <InterpolationMode.InOutQuart: 20>
- InOutQuint = <InterpolationMode.InOutQuint: 24>
- InOutSine = <InterpolationMode.InOutSine: 28>
- InQuad = <InterpolationMode.InQuad: 10>
- InQuart = <InterpolationMode.InQuart: 18>
- InQuint = <InterpolationMode.InQuint: 22>
- InSine = <InterpolationMode.InSine: 26>
- class InterpolationMode
- Broken = <InterpolationMode.Broken: 7>
- CatmullRom = <InterpolationMode.CatmullRom: 3>
- Constant = <InterpolationMode.Constant: 0>
- CosineCurve = <InterpolationMode.CosineCurve: 53>
- Cubic = <InterpolationMode.Cubic: 4>
- Horizontal = <InterpolationMode.Horizontal: 5>
- InBack = <InterpolationMode.InBack: 42>
- InBounce = <InterpolationMode.InBounce: 46>
- InCirc = <InterpolationMode.InCirc: 34>
- InCubic = <InterpolationMode.InCubic: 14>
- InCurve = <InterpolationMode.InCurve: 50>
- InElastic = <InterpolationMode.InElastic: 38>
- InExpo = <InterpolationMode.InExpo: 30>
- InOutBack = <InterpolationMode.InOutBack: 44>
- InOutBounce = <InterpolationMode.InOutBounce: 48>
- InOutCirc = <InterpolationMode.InOutCirc: 36>
- InOutCubic = <InterpolationMode.InOutCubic: 16>
- InOutElastic = <InterpolationMode.InOutElastic: 40>
- InOutExpo = <InterpolationMode.InOutExpo: 32>
- InOutQuad = <InterpolationMode.InOutQuad: 12>
- InOutQuart = <InterpolationMode.InOutQuart: 20>
- InOutQuint = <InterpolationMode.InOutQuint: 24>
- InOutSine = <InterpolationMode.InOutSine: 28>
- InQuad = <InterpolationMode.InQuad: 10>
- InQuart = <InterpolationMode.InQuart: 18>
- InQuint = <InterpolationMode.InQuint: 22>
- InSine = <InterpolationMode.InSine: 26>
- Linear = <InterpolationMode.Linear: 1>
- OutBack = <InterpolationMode.OutBack: 43>
- OutBounce = <InterpolationMode.OutBounce: 47>
- OutCirc = <InterpolationMode.OutCirc: 35>
- OutCubic = <InterpolationMode.OutCubic: 15>
- OutCurve = <InterpolationMode.OutCurve: 51>
- OutElastic = <InterpolationMode.OutElastic: 39>
- OutExpo = <InterpolationMode.OutExpo: 31>
- OutInBack = <InterpolationMode.OutInBack: 45>
- OutInBounce = <InterpolationMode.OutInBounce: 49>
- OutInCirc = <InterpolationMode.OutInCirc: 37>
- OutInCubic = <InterpolationMode.OutInCubic: 17>
- OutInElastic = <InterpolationMode.OutInElastic: 41>
- OutInExpo = <InterpolationMode.OutInExpo: 33>
- OutInQuad = <InterpolationMode.OutInQuad: 13>
- OutInQuart = <InterpolationMode.OutInQuart: 21>
- OutInQuint = <InterpolationMode.OutInQuint: 25>
- OutInSine = <InterpolationMode.OutInSine: 29>
- OutQuad = <InterpolationMode.OutQuad: 11>
- OutQuart = <InterpolationMode.OutQuart: 19>
- OutQuint = <InterpolationMode.OutQuint: 23>
- OutSine = <InterpolationMode.OutSine: 27>
- SineCurve = <InterpolationMode.SineCurve: 52>
- Smooth = <InterpolationMode.Smooth: 2>
- VelocityBounce = <InterpolationMode.VelocityBounce: 54>
- property name
- property value
- InvalidTime = inf
- Linear = <InterpolationMode.Linear: 1>
- OutBack = <InterpolationMode.OutBack: 43>
- OutBounce = <InterpolationMode.OutBounce: 47>
- OutCirc = <InterpolationMode.OutCirc: 35>
- OutCubic = <InterpolationMode.OutCubic: 15>
- OutCurve = <InterpolationMode.OutCurve: 51>
- OutElastic = <InterpolationMode.OutElastic: 39>
- OutExpo = <InterpolationMode.OutExpo: 31>
- OutInBack = <InterpolationMode.OutInBack: 45>
- OutInBounce = <InterpolationMode.OutInBounce: 49>
- OutInCirc = <InterpolationMode.OutInCirc: 37>
- OutInCubic = <InterpolationMode.OutInCubic: 17>
- OutInElastic = <InterpolationMode.OutInElastic: 41>
- OutInExpo = <InterpolationMode.OutInExpo: 33>
- OutInQuad = <InterpolationMode.OutInQuad: 13>
- OutInQuart = <InterpolationMode.OutInQuart: 21>
- OutInQuint = <InterpolationMode.OutInQuint: 25>
- OutInSine = <InterpolationMode.OutInSine: 29>
- OutQuad = <InterpolationMode.OutQuad: 11>
- OutQuart = <InterpolationMode.OutQuart: 19>
- OutQuint = <InterpolationMode.OutQuint: 23>
- OutSine = <InterpolationMode.OutSine: 27>
- SineCurve = <InterpolationMode.SineCurve: 52>
- Smooth = <InterpolationMode.Smooth: 2>
- VelocityBounce = <InterpolationMode.VelocityBounce: 54>
- property constantSpeed
If True, this keyframe time is automatically managed. For a spatial Numeric2DParam, the interpolation along the spatial trajectory will have a constant speed. For non spatial Params, the keyframe time will simply be uniformly positionned within surrounding non time-adaptive keyframes.
- property easingAmplitude
- property easingOvershoot
- property easingPeriod
- property interpolation
defines how the keyframe is interpolated to to the next keyframe
- property leftAmount
- property leftDeriv
- property rightAmount
- property rightDeriv
- property time
The time in seconds of the keyframe
- property value
The value of the keyframe. The type depends on the type of the Param
- class Autograph.Layer2D
- class BBoxType
- PostBlend = <BBoxType.PostBlend: 2>
- Source = <BBoxType.Source: 0>
- SourceWithEffects = <BBoxType.SourceWithEffects: 1>
- property name
- property value
- PostBlend = <BBoxType.PostBlend: 2>
- Source = <BBoxType.Source: 0>
- SourceWithEffects = <BBoxType.SourceWithEffects: 1>
- property autoRetimeShutterAngle
- property blendMode
- property blendPassThrough
- property castShadows
- property contactShadows
- property enable3D
- property enableMask
- property enableTransformMask
- getBoundingBox(self: Autograph.Layer2D, type: Autograph.Layer2D.BBoxType, time: float) List[float[4]]
Returns the bounding box [left, bottom, right, top] of the layer.
is local to the layer: useTimelinePanel.mapTimelineToParamTime()
to map theTimelinePanel.currentTime
to the layer time e.g:bbox = layer.getBoundingBox(Autograph.Layer2D.BBoxType.PostBlend, timeline.mapTimelineToParamTime(layer.source, timeline.currentTime))
controls at what stage of the layer the returned bounding box corresponds to:BBoxType.Source
: The bounding box only takes into account the generator of theLayer2D.source
: The bounding box takes the source bounding box plus modifiers applied on topBBoxType.PostBlend
: The bounding box is the union of the result of BBoxType.SourceWithEffects with the bounding box of the Composition stack thus far
- property isAdjustementLayer
- property isGuideLayer
- property mask
- property material
- property opacity
- property pixelsMotionWarpDirection
- property preserveUnderlyingTransparency
- property receiveShadows
- property retimeFilter
- property retimeShutterAngle
- property retimeShutterSamples
- property shadingMode
- property source
- property transform
- property transform3D
- property useAlphaScreen
- class Autograph.LayerBase
All layer classes are derived from
(which is itself aEffect
) and are used to set values on their parameter. Their API is stricly optionnal as you could very well just useEffect.param()
and fetch params by name. For convenience, commonly used params have had an accessor function defined. Layers are inserted in a composition withComposition.addLayer()
, e.g:comp.addLayer(Autograph.Layer2D())
- property animatedEnable
- property enableTimeRemap
- property enableVisibilityRetime
- getIndexInComposition(self: Autograph.LayerBase) int
- property globalEnable
- property globalLock
- property globalSolo
- property outputSpeed
- property reverseTime
- property timeOffset
- property timeRemapCurve
- property uiColor
- class Autograph.ModifierList
A ModifierList contains a list of modifier
and exposes functions to manage this list. This object cannot be created by itself and is accessible only fromParam.getModifiersList()
- addModifier(self: Autograph.ModifierList, modifier: Autograph.Effect, pushUndoCommand: bool = False) None
to the end of the list. IfpushUndoCommand
is True, anUndoCommand
will be created in the main undo stack. ItsEffect.dataType
must be the same as this ModifierList’s paramParam.dataType
and itsEffect.dataTypeArity
must be of 1 if set on a single dimension of a Param or ofParam.numDimensions
if set on the Nth dimension of a multi-dimensional Param.
- getModifierAtIndex(self: Autograph.ModifierList, index: int) Autograph.Effect
Returns the modifier at the given
or None if invalid index
- getModifierIndex(self: Autograph.ModifierList, modifier: Autograph.Effect) int
Returns the given
index in the list
- getModifiers(self: Autograph.ModifierList) List[Autograph.Effect]
Returns the list of all modifiers
- getNumModifiers(self: Autograph.ModifierList) int
Returns the number of modifiers in the list
- insertModifier(self: Autograph.ModifierList, modifier: Autograph.Effect, index: int, pushUndoCommand: bool = False) None
at the given index in the list. IfpushUndoCommand
is True, anUndoCommand
will be created in the main undo stack. ItsEffect.dataType
must be the same as this ModifierList’s paramParam.dataType
and itsEffect.dataTypeArity
must be of 1 if set on a single dimension of a Param or ofParam.numDimensions
if set on the Nth dimension of a multi-dimensional Param.
- moveModifier(self: Autograph.ModifierList, oldIndex: int, newIndex: int, pushUndoCommand: bool = False) None
Moves a modifier from
in the list. IfpushUndoCommand
is True, anUndoCommand
will be created in the main undo stack.
- onEffectInserted(self: Autograph.ModifierList, callback: object) None
Register a callback invoked when a modifier is inserted in the list. The function signature must be: callback(self:
, modifier:Effect
- onEffectMoved(self: Autograph.ModifierList, callback: object) None
Register a callback invoked when a modifier is moved in the list. The function signature must be: callback(self:
, oldIndex: int, newIndex: int)
- onEffectRemoved(self: Autograph.ModifierList, callback: object) None
Register a callback invoked when a modifier is removed from the list. The function signature must be: callback(self:
, modifier:Effect
- removeModifier(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
removeModifier(self: Autograph.ModifierList, index: int, pushUndoCommand: bool = False) -> None
Removes the modifier at the given
. IfpushUndoCommand
is True, anUndoCommand
will be created in the main undo stack.removeModifier(self: Autograph.ModifierList, modifier: Autograph.Effect, pushUndoCommand: bool = False) -> None
Removes the given
from the list. IfpushUndoCommand
is True, anUndoCommand
will be created in the main undo stack.
- class Autograph.Numeric2DParam
. This class adds methods to control retiming of spatial trajectories.- isSpatialPosition(self: Autograph.Numeric2DParam) bool
Returns true if this Numeric2DParam represents a spatial position
- property retimingCurve
If isSpatialPosition is enabled, returns the retiming curve used to adjust the trajectory easing. Keyframes are automatically managed by the Param itself and correspond to each non constant time keyframes on the X and Y curves.
- class Autograph.Panel
Base class for all Panels
- property displayName
The name of the Panel as seen in the UI
- property maximized
When True, the Panel takes up the whole window
- class Autograph.Param
A Param is the base class representing any parameter in Autograph. Params have many forms such as
. Some Param classes are responsible to store a value (number, string, complex object…) and can optionnally give the user an interface to interact with. Some other Param classes are purely meant for the UI and do not store any value. Some Param classes can have child Params, such asTransform2DParam
. You can iterate over all child params generically withParam.getParams()
. Params are identified by a unique-name in their parent container (which is either anEffect
or anotherParam
).- class DimensionMode
- Separated = <DimensionMode.Separated: 1>
- Single = <DimensionMode.Single: 2>
- Unified = <DimensionMode.Unified: 0>
- property name
- property value
- Separated = <DimensionMode.Separated: 1>
- Single = <DimensionMode.Single: 2>
- Unified = <DimensionMode.Unified: 0>
- addOnDimensionModeChanged(self: Autograph.Param, callback: object) None
Register a callback invoked when the dimension mode of the Param is changed. The function signature must have the following arguments: callback(param:
- canSetGeneratorEffect(self: Autograph.Param, effect: Autograph.Effect, dimension: int = 0) bool
Returns True if the given
can be applied as generator of the Param at the givendimension
. N.B: For multi-dimensional Params, multi-dimensional modifiers can be applied by setting dimension=Param.numDimensions
- property dataType
(Read-only) The data type that the Generator/Modifiers
set on this Param must have. If this Param has a value, this is also the data type of the value managed by the Param
- getDimensionMode(self: Autograph.Param) Autograph.Param.DimensionMode
Returns the dimension mode of the Param. This is useful for multi-dimensional Params (i.e:
- getDisplayName(self: Autograph.Param) str
Returns the name of the Param as displayed in the UI
- getDriverParam(self: Autograph.Param, dimension: int = 0) Tuple[Autograph.Param, int]
Returns the Param that this Param is linked to at the given
- getGeneratorEffect(self: Autograph.Param, dimension: int = 0) Autograph.Effect
Returns the generator
set at the givendimension
- getModifiersList(self: Autograph.Param, dimension: int = 0) Autograph.ModifierList
Returns the
of this Param atdimension
. N.B: For multi-dimensional Params, multi-dimensional modifiers can be applied by setting dimension=Param.numDimensions
- getParams(self: Autograph.Param) List[Autograph.Param]
Returns all child Params of this Param
- getParentEffect(self: Autograph.Param) Autograph.Effect
Returns the parent Effect if the parent is an Effect, or None otherwise
- getParentParam(self: Autograph.Param) Autograph.Param
Returns the parent Param if the parent is a Param, or None otherwise
- getProject(self: Autograph.Param) Autograph.Project
Returns the
this Param belongs to
Returns a list of tuple <Param, dimensionIndex> of each Param shared with this param’s
- getUniqueName(self: Autograph.Param) str
Returns the unique-name of the Param, which is used to find the Param in
- isInProject(self: Autograph.Param) bool
Returns True if this Param is in the project, meaning it belongs to a parent and the parent itself is in the project. This is False when the Param was just created but not yet inserted in its parent container or if the user removed the Param
- property numDimensions
a single multi-dimensional generator effect). In this case the dimension index should be numDimensions.
- Type:
(Read-only) The number of dimensions of this Param. For example,
has 4 dimensions whereasDoubleParamBase
only 1. Dimension indices throughout the API are 0-based, meaning the first dimension is always 0. For multi-dimensional params, when inUnified
mode, some operations can be set that affect all dimensions at once (e.g
- onDisplayNameChanged(self: Autograph.Param, arg0: object) None
Register a callback invoked when the UI name of the Param is changed. The function signature must have the following arguments: callback(param:
- onInProjectChanged(self: Autograph.Param, arg0: object) None
Register a callback invoked when the Param is either inserted in the project or removed from the project. The function signature must have the following arguments: callback(param:
- onValueChanged(self: Autograph.Param, arg0: object) None
Register a callback invoked when the value of the Param has changed. For Param classes with a value such as
, you can callDoubleParamBase::getValue()
to get the value. Note that for compound Param types, such asTransform2DParam
, this is still invoked if a child Param’s value is changed. The function signature must have the following arguments: callback(param:Param
- param(self: Autograph.Param, uniqueName: str) Autograph.Param
Returns a child Param given its
or None if not found
- resetToDefault(self: Autograph.Param) None
Resets the Param to its default state, removing any animation, but not removing any generator or modifier.
- setDimensionMode(self: Autograph.Param, mode: Autograph.Param.DimensionMode, pushUndoCommand: bool = False) None
Set the dimension mode of the Param. This can only be used for multi-dimensional Params. If
is True, a newUndoCommand
will pushed in the undo stack.
- setDisplayName(self: Autograph.Param, name: str) None
Set the name of the Param as displayed in the UI
- setDriverParam(self: Autograph.Param, other: Autograph.Param, thisDimension: int = -1, otherDimension: int = -1, pushUndoCommand: bool = False) None
Set this Param
to be linked to the givenother
Param (or unset if other is None) dimensionotherDimension
. IfthisDimension
is -1, all dimensions of this Param will be linked to theother
Param’s dimensions.
- setGeneratorEffect(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
setGeneratorEffect(self: Autograph.Param, effect: Autograph.Effect, dimension: int = 0, pushUndoCommand: bool = False) -> None
Set (or unset by passing None) the generator of the Param at the given
. N.B: For multi-dimensional Params, multi-dimensional modifiers can be applied by setting dimension=Param.numDimensions
setGeneratorEffect(self: Autograph.Param, projectItem: Autograph.ProjectItem, dimension: int = 0, pushUndoCommand: bool = False) -> None
Set (or unset by passing None) the generator of the Param at the given
. N.B: For multi-dimensional Params, multi-dimensional modifiers can be applied by setting dimension=Param.numDimensions
Share this Param at
with theother
Param (which must be of the same data type) dimensionotherDimension
. IfthisDimension
is -1, all dimensions of this Param will be shared to theother
Param’s dimensions.
Unshare this Param at
from any other Param, making its value local. IfthisDimension
is -1, all dimensions of this Param will be unshared.
- class Autograph.ParamList
- addParam(self: Autograph.ParamList, param: Autograph.Param) None
- clearParams(self: Autograph.ParamList) None
- getNumParams(self: Autograph.ParamList) int
- getParamAtIndex(self: Autograph.ParamList, index: int) Autograph.Param
- getParamIndex(self: Autograph.ParamList, param: Autograph.Param) int
- getParams(self: Autograph.ParamList) List[Autograph.Param]
- insertParam(self: Autograph.ParamList, param: Autograph.Param, index: int) None
- moveParam(self: Autograph.ParamList, oldIndex: int, newIndex: int) None
- onParamInserted(self: Autograph.ParamList, callback: object) None
- onParamMoved(self: Autograph.ParamList, callback: object) None
- onParamRemoved(self: Autograph.ParamList, callback: object) None
- removeParam(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
removeParam(self: Autograph.ParamList, param: Autograph.Param) -> None
removeParam(self: Autograph.ParamList, index: int) -> None
- class Autograph.Path2D
A Path2D is an object composed of a number of graphical building blocks, such as rectangles, ellipses, lines, and curves. Building blocks can be joined in closed subpaths, for example as a rectangle or an ellipse. A closed path has coinciding start and end points. Or they can exist independently as unclosed subpaths, such as lines and curves.
A Path2D object can be constructed as an empty path, with a given start point, or as a copy of another Path2D object. Once created, lines and curves can be added to the path using the lineTo(), arcTo(), cubicTo() and quadTo() functions. The lines and curves stretch from the getCurrentPosition() to the position passed as argument.
The getCurrentPosition() of the path object is always the end position of the last subpath that was added (or the initial start point). Use the moveTo() function to move the getCurrentPosition() without adding a component. The moveTo() function implicitly starts a new subpath, and closes the previous one. Another way of starting a new subpath is to call the closeSubpath() function which closes the current path by adding a line from the getCurrentPosition() back to the path’s start position. Note that the new path will have (0, 0) as its initial getCurrentPosition().
- Curve = <ElementType.Curve: 3>
- CurveData = <ElementType.Curve: 3>
- class ElementType
- Curve = <ElementType.Curve: 3>
- CurveData = <ElementType.Curve: 3>
- Line = <ElementType.Line: 2>
- Move = <ElementType.Move: 1>
- property name
- property value
- class FillRule
- OddEvenFill = <FillRule.OddEvenFill: 0>
- WindingFill = <FillRule.WindingFill: 1>
- property name
- property value
- Line = <ElementType.Line: 2>
- Move = <ElementType.Move: 1>
- OddEvenFill = <FillRule.OddEvenFill: 0>
- WindingFill = <FillRule.WindingFill: 1>
- addEllipse(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
addEllipse(self: Autograph.Path2D, rect: List[float[4]]) -> None
addEllipse(self: Autograph.Path2D, center: List[float[2]], rx: float, ry: float) -> None
- addPath(self: Autograph.Path2D, path: Autograph.Path2D) None
- addPolygon(self: Autograph.Path2D, polygon: List[List[float[2]]]) None
- addRoundedRect(self: Autograph.Path2D, rect: List[float[4]], rx: float, ry: float) None
- addText(self: Autograph.Path2D, position: List[float[2]], font: Autograph.Font, text: str) None
- angleAtPercent(self: Autograph.Path2D, percent: float) float
- arcMoveTo(self: Autograph.Path2D, rect: List[float[4]], angleDegrees: float) None
- arcTo(self: Autograph.Path2D, rect: List[float[4]], startAngle: float, sweepAngle: float) None
- clear(self: Autograph.Path2D) None
- closeSubpath(self: Autograph.Path2D) None
- connectPath(self: Autograph.Path2D, path: Autograph.Path2D) None
- contains(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
contains(self: Autograph.Path2D, point: List[float[2]]) -> bool
contains(self: Autograph.Path2D, rect: List[float[4]]) -> bool
contains(self: Autograph.Path2D, path: Autograph.Path2D) -> bool
- cubicTo(self: Autograph.Path2D, c1: List[float[2]], c2: List[float[2]], endPoint: List[float[2]]) None
- getBoundingBox(self: Autograph.Path2D) List[float[4]]
- getCurrentPosition(self: Autograph.Path2D) List[float[2]]
- getElementAt(self: Autograph.Path2D, index: int) LA_1_0::lapy::PyPath2D::Element
- getElements(self: Autograph.Path2D) List[LA_1_0::lapy::PyPath2D::Element]
- getFillRule(self: Autograph.Path2D) Autograph.Path2D.FillRule
- getLength(self: Autograph.Path2D) float
- getNumElements(self: Autograph.Path2D) int
- intersected(self: Autograph.Path2D, path: Autograph.Path2D) Autograph.Path2D
- intersects(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
intersects(self: Autograph.Path2D, path: Autograph.Path2D) -> bool
intersects(self: Autograph.Path2D, rect: List[float[4]]) -> bool
- lineTo(self: Autograph.Path2D, point: List[float[2]]) None
- moveTo(self: Autograph.Path2D, point: List[float[2]]) None
- percentAtLength(self: Autograph.Path2D, length: float) float
- pointAtPercent(self: Autograph.Path2D, percent: float) List[float[2]]
- quadTo(self: Autograph.Path2D, c: List[float[2]], point: List[float[2]]) None
- reversed(self: Autograph.Path2D) Autograph.Path2D
- setElementPositionAt(self: Autograph.Path2D, index: int, point: List[float[2]]) None
- setFillRule(self: Autograph.Path2D, rule: Autograph.Path2D.FillRule) None
- simplified(self: Autograph.Path2D) Autograph.Path2D
- slopeAtPercent(self: Autograph.Path2D, percent: float) float
- splitDistinctsPaths(self: Autograph.Path2D) List[Autograph.Path2D]
- subtracted(self: Autograph.Path2D, path: Autograph.Path2D) Autograph.Path2D
- toFillPolygons(self: Autograph.Path2D) List[List[List[float[2]]]]
- translate(self: Autograph.Path2D, delta: List[float[2]]) None
- united(self: Autograph.Path2D, path: Autograph.Path2D) Autograph.Path2D
- class Autograph.Path2DParam
A Path2DParam represents an animatable Cubic Bezier curve. Each bezier point is defined by a Left, Central and Right control point. Two consecutive bezier point constitute thus a bezier segment where…
P0 = Point 1 Central P1 = Point 1 Right P2 = Point 2 Left P3 = Point 2 Central
If the
property is True, the last point’s Right control point is connected to the first point’s Left control point.Each control point itself is a
and can have an animation curve. For convenience, thePath2DParam.animationCurve()
returns a curve that can manipulate keyframes on all points at once, as if keyframes where set on the Path directly in the UI.- Central = <PointType.Central: 1>
- Left = <PointType.Left: 0>
- class PointType
- Central = <PointType.Central: 1>
- Left = <PointType.Left: 0>
- Right = <PointType.Right: 2>
- property name
- property value
- Right = <PointType.Right: 2>
- property animationCurve
The animation
of the Path2DParam. Keyframes have no value on their own, they are just useful for their time component.
- property closed
Whether the first and last points of the path are connected
- getControlPointParam(self: Autograph.Path2DParam, index: int, controlPoint: Autograph.Path2DParam.PointType) Autograph.Param
Returns the
param corresponding to the control point at the givenindex
is a 0-based index in the number of bezier segments
- getFeatherContourAnimationAtTime(self: Autograph.Path2DParam, time: float) Autograph.Path2D
Returns a
of the feather contour at the giventime
- getFeatherPointParam(self: Autograph.Path2DParam, index: int, controlPoint: Autograph.Path2DParam.PointType) Autograph.Param
Returns the
param corresponding to the feather point at the givenindex
is a 0-based index in the number of bezier segments
- getMainContourAnimationAtTime(self: Autograph.Path2DParam, time: float) Autograph.Path2D
Returns a
of the main path contour at the giventime
- getNumBezierSegments(self: Autograph.Path2DParam) int
Returns the number of bezier segments
- getNumControlPoints(self: Autograph.Path2DParam) int
Returns the number of control points, i.e: equivalent to
* 3
- insertControlPoint(self: Autograph.Path2DParam, index: int, x: float, y: float) None
Inserts 3 control points in the curve in the following order: Left, Central, Right.
is a 0-based index in the number of bezier segments
- insertControlPointOnCurve(self: Autograph.Path2DParam, t: float, time: float) None
Inserts 3 control points along the curve, where t is a float in the range [0, getNumBezierSegments()]
- property pointParamsControlEnabled
Enable the user to control the points of the path as parameters. It also enables usage of generator/modifiers on each point param. Without this enabled, only the animation curve of the point params are taken into account
- removeControlPointAtIndex(self: Autograph.Path2DParam, index: int) None
Removes the control point at the given index.
is a 0-based index in the number of bezier segments
- removeFeatherPointAtIndex(self: Autograph.Path2DParam, index: int) None
Reset the feather control point at the given index to be the same as its control point counter-part
- removeKeyFrame(self: Autograph.Path2DParam, time: float) None
Remove a keyframe on the path at the given
- property retimingCurve
The retiming
of the Path2DParam. Keyframes values are mapping the time in seconds.
- setControlPoint(self: Autograph.Path2DParam, time: float, index: int, x: float, y: float, controlPoint: Autograph.Path2DParam.PointType) None
Set the control point position at the given
. If you don’t want to force a keyframe, you can passKeyFrame.InvalidTime
is a 0-based index in the number of bezier segments
- setFeatherPoint(self: Autograph.Path2DParam, time: float, index: int, x: float, y: float, controlPoint: Autograph.Path2DParam.PointType) None
Set the feather point position at the given
. If you don’t want to force a keyframe, you can passKeyFrame.InvalidTime
is a 0-based index in the number of bezier segments
- setKeyFrame(self: Autograph.Path2DParam, time: float) None
Set a keyframe on the path at the given
- class Autograph.Project
The Project is the main class containing all data related to a single project in Autograph. This is the class on which you will find project-wide functions and get access to any element.
- beginUndoMacro(self: Autograph.Project, text: str) None
Beings an undo-macro with the given
. While opened, anyUndoCommand
that is pushed to the stack will be concatenated in the same macro so that the user can undo them all at once.
- close(self: Autograph.Project, warnIfUnsaved: bool) None
Close the current project and reset the project to default state. If
is True, a warning will prompt the user to save any unsave changes to the project
- create3DScene(self: Autograph.Project, parentItem: Autograph.ProjectItem = None, pushUndoComand: bool = False) Autograph.Effect
Create a new
that contains aScene3D
and returns the correspondingEffect
corresponding toProjectItem.getMainEffectInstance()
- createAudioMix(self: Autograph.Project, parentItem: Autograph.ProjectItem = None, pushUndoComand: bool = False) Autograph.AudioMix
Create a new
that contains aAudioMix
and returns the correspondingAudioMix
corresponding toProjectItem.getMainEffectInstance()
- createComposition(self: Autograph.Project, parentItem: Autograph.ProjectItem = None, pushUndoComand: bool = False) Autograph.Composition
Create a new
that contains aComposition
and returns the correspondingComposition
corresponding toProjectItem.getMainEffectInstance()
- createFolder(self: Autograph.Project, parentItem: Autograph.ProjectItem = None, pushUndoComand: bool = False) Autograph.ProjectItem
Create a new
representing a folder that can contain other child items.
- endUndoMacro(self: Autograph.Project) None
End the currently opened macro. Nested macros are not supported
- getAllProjectItems(self: Autograph.Project) List[Autograph.ProjectItem]
Returns all project items
- getItemByName(self: Autograph.Project, uniqueName: str) Autograph.ProjectItem
Returns a
by its unique-name
- getLastFocusedPanel(self: Autograph.Project) Autograph.Panel
Returns the currently focused
- getLastFocusedTimelinePanel(self: Autograph.Project) Autograph.TimelinePanel
Returns the currently focused
- getLastFocusedViewerPanel(self: Autograph.Project) Autograph.ViewerPanel
Returns the currently focused
- getPanels(self: Autograph.Project) List[Autograph.Panel]
Returns a list of all panels
- getProjectFilePath(self: Autograph.Project) str
Returns the current project’s file-path
- getProjectPanel(self: Autograph.Project) Autograph.TimelinePanel
Returns the project panel
- getPropertiesPanel(self: Autograph.Project) Autograph.TimelinePanel
Returns the
- getRenderManager(self: Autograph.Project) Autograph.RenderManager
Returns the
for the project
- getRootItem(self: Autograph.Project) Autograph.ProjectItem
Returns the root
that contains all items in the project
- importCSVAsset(self: Autograph.Project, filePath: str, parentItem: Autograph.ProjectItem = None, pushUndoComand: bool = False) Autograph.Effect
Create a new
that contains a CSV reader and returns the correspondingEffect
corresponding toProjectItem.getMainEffectInstance()
can be a folder in which you want to insert the item. If None, it will be added as child of the root item
- importFont(self: Autograph.Project, filePath: str, parentItem: Autograph.ProjectItem = None, pushUndoComand: bool = False) Autograph.ProjectItem
Create a new
that contains a font. The font will be available in the font selector menus in the project. This is also useful when exporting a Package so that the font is embedded in the Package encrypted archive.parentItem
can be a folder in which you want to insert the item. If None, it will be added as child of the root item
- importFootage(self: Autograph.Project, filePath: str, interpretImagesAsSequence: bool = True, parentItem: Autograph.ProjectItem = None, pushUndoComand: bool = False) Autograph.Effect
Create a new
that contains a media reader and returns the correspondingEffect
corresponding toProjectItem.getMainEffectInstance()
can be a folder in which you want to insert the item. If None, it will be added as child of the root item
- importSubProject(self: Autograph.Project, filePath: str, parentItem: Autograph.ProjectItem = None, pushUndoComand: bool = False) Autograph.Effect
Create a new
that contains a sub-project reader and returns the correspondingEffect
corresponding toProjectItem.getMainEffectInstance()
can be a folder in which you want to insert the item. If None, it will be added as child of the root item
- importUSDAsset(self: Autograph.Project, filePath: str, parentItem: Autograph.ProjectItem = None, pushUndoComand: bool = False) Autograph.Effect
Create a new
that contains a USD reader and returns the correspondingEffect
corresponding toProjectItem.getMainEffectInstance()
can be a folder in which you want to insert the item. If None, it will be added as child of the root item
- isClosingProject(self: Autograph.Project) bool
Returns True if the project is being closed
- property loadingSerialization
While set to true, Autograph will assume all modifications made to the project correspond to a state from a file. For example, events that would initialize default values (such as the Positions of a Linear gradient based on the Composition Format) would be ignored
- onClosingProjectChanged(self: Autograph.Project, arg0: object) None
Register a callback invoked when the file-path of the project is changed. The signature of the function must be: callback(self:
, isClosing:bool
) This function will be invoked twice when closing the project, whereisClosing
is True if the project is currently closing and False once the project is finished closing
- onProjectFilePathChanged(self: Autograph.Project, arg0: object) None
Register a callback invoked when the file-path of the project is changed. The signature of the function must be: callback(self:
- open(self: Autograph.Project, filepath: str) None
Open the project at the given
. If a project is already opened, this function will raise an error
- pushUndoCommand(self: Autograph.Project, command: Autograph.UndoCommand) None
Push an
in the undo-stack and execute itsUndoCmmand.doRedo()
- removeItem(self: Autograph.Project, item: Autograph.ProjectItem) None
Removes the given ìtem` from the project
- save(self: Autograph.Project, filepath: str, keepCurrentOpened: bool) None
Save the project to the given
. IfkeepCurrentOpened
is true, the newly saved file will not replace the current project’s file-path.
- class Autograph.ProjectItem
A ProjectItem represents a single item in the Project Panel. A ProjectItem can have children (in the case of folders). A ProjectItem does not have a constructor and is created by using one of the create/import function of the
.It can also have an embedded
(e.g: for media reader, USD reader, CSV reader, sub-project reader…) which contains the main instance Params that the user can control when the item is selected in thePropertiesPanel
.To connect a ProjectItem to a generator slot of a
, make sure to useProjectItem.createEffectSharedInstance()
which returns a shared-copy of theEffect
that will be local to theParam
. This is useful so that the user canParam.unshare()
locally some Params and keep others shared.- getChildren(self: Autograph.ProjectItem) List[Autograph.ProjectItem]
Returns a list of the children of this item
- getDisplayName(self: Autograph.ProjectItem) str
Returns the UI name of the project item
- getMainEffectInstance(self: Autograph.ProjectItem) Autograph.Effect
- getParentItem(self: Autograph.ProjectItem) Autograph.ProjectItem
Returns the parent item
- getProject(self: Autograph.ProjectItem) Autograph.Project
Returns the Project this item belongs to
- getUniqueName(self: Autograph.ProjectItem) str
Returns the unique-name of this ProjectItem, uniquely identifying it in the project. You can retrieve it with
- isInProject(self: Autograph.ProjectItem) bool
Returns True if this ProjectItem is in the project, meaning it belongs to a parent (or is the root item) and the parent itself is in the project. This is False when the ProjectItem was just created but not yet inserted in its parent container or if the user removed the Param
- onDisplayNameChanged(self: Autograph.ProjectItem, arg0: object) None
Register a callback invoked when the UI name of the Param is changed. The function signature must have the following arguments: callback(self:
- onInProjectChanged(self: Autograph.ProjectItem, arg0: object) None
- setDisplayName(self: Autograph.ProjectItem, name: str) None
Set the UI name of the project item
- setUniqueName(self: Autograph.ProjectItem, name: str) None
Set the unique name of the project item. If a name already exists, a suffix will be added automatically
- class Autograph.RenderManager
The RenderManager acts as a queue of
and can start rendering them.- cancelRenders(self: Autograph.RenderManager) None
Cancel all ongoing renders
- createRenderForComposition(self: Autograph.RenderManager, arg0: Autograph.Composition) Tuple[Autograph.CompRender, Autograph.CompRenderInstance, Autograph.CompRenderFile]
Shortcut that creates a
. This is the same as doing:render=Autograph.CompRender() render.setComposition(comp) instance=Autograph.CompRenderInstance() render.insertInstance(instance) file=Autograph.CompRenderFile(); instance.insertFile(file)
- getNumRenders(self: Autograph.RenderManager) int
Returns the number of renders
- getRenderAtIndex(self: Autograph.RenderManager, index: int) Autograph.CompRender
Returns a render at the given index
- getRenderForComposition(self: Autograph.RenderManager, comp: Autograph.Composition) Autograph.CompRender
Returns an existing
for the givencomp
, otherwise returns None
- getRenderIndex(self: Autograph.RenderManager, render: Autograph.CompRender) int
Returns the given render index
- getRenders(self: Autograph.RenderManager) List[Autograph.CompRender]
Returns all renders
- insertRender(self: Autograph.RenderManager, render: Autograph.CompRender, index: int = -1) None
Insert a render at the given index
- isRendering(self: Autograph.RenderManager) bool
Returns True when the RenderManager is currently rendering a
- moveRender(self: Autograph.RenderManager, oldIndex: int, newIndex: int) None
Move a render in the list
- onRenderFinished(self: Autograph.RenderManager, callback: object) None
Register a callback invoked when all
in the list finished their render. The function signature must be: callback(error:str
) where theerror
is contains the error message if the render failed
- removeRender(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
removeRender(self: Autograph.RenderManager, arg0: int) -> None
Remove the render at the given index
removeRender(self: Autograph.RenderManager, arg0: Autograph.CompRender) -> None
Remove the given render
- startRenders(self: Autograph.RenderManager, blocking: bool) None
Start all enabled
in the list
- class Autograph.Settings
Base-class for custom settings classes. Derive this class and override the save/load functions. Settings are represent custom JSON file saved in a dedicated JSON file in Autograph user settings data.
On Windows, the settings can be found in C:\Users\<user\Documents\LeftAngle\Autograph\Settings
On macOS and Linux, the settings can be found in ~/LeftAngle/Autograph/Settings
Custom settings objects must be registered to the
Only one instance of the class is needed per process.Autograph.app.registerAndLoadSettings(MySettings(), 'MySettings')
- load(self: Autograph.Settings, value: object) None
Implement to load the values contained in the dict
that was returned fromsave()
- save(self: Autograph.Settings) object
Implement to return a dict of the data to save. Values in the dict must be of type int, float, string, boolean, list, dict)
- class Autograph.ShapeGroupParam
- class Autograph.ShapeInstancerParam
- class Autograph.StampStyleParam
- class Autograph.StringParamBase
Base class for value based Params of a given type and fixed number of dimensions. This class exposes the animation curve with
which can be used to manipulate keyframes.- getCurve(self: Autograph.StringParamBase, dimension: int = 0) Autograph.Curve
Returns the animation curve of this Param at the given
- getValue(self: Autograph.StringParamBase, time: float = KeyFrame.InvalidTime, dimension: int = 0) str
Get the value of the param, applying generator/modifiers if any at the given
and for the givendimension
- getValues(self: Autograph.StringParamBase, time: float = inf) List[str[1]]
For a multi-dimensional Param, get the values of the param across each dimension, applying generator/modifiers if any at the given
and returns a list with the values
- hasKeyFrames(self: Autograph.StringParamBase, dimension: int = 0) bool
Returns true if the Param has keyframes in the
at the givendimension
- setDefaultValue(self: Autograph.StringParamBase, value: str, dimension: int = 0) None
Set the default value of the Param at the given
- setDefaultValues(self: Autograph.StringParamBase, values: List[str[1]]) None
Set the default value of the Param across all dimensions
- setValue(self: Autograph.StringParamBase, value: str, time: float = KeyFrame.InvalidTime, dimension: int = 0, pushUndoCommand: bool = False) None
Set the value of the param at the given
and givendimension
. IfpushUndoCommand
is True, andUndoCommand
will be pushed in the main undo stack. Iftime
and if the Param doesn’t have any animation, no keyframe will be inserted.
- setValueAndDefaultValue(self: Autograph.StringParamBase, value: str, dimension: int = 0) None
Same as
but also set the current value
- setValues(self: Autograph.StringParamBase, values: List[str[1]], time: float = KeyFrame.InvalidTime, pushUndoCommand: bool = False) None
Same as
but for all dimensions at once
- setValuesAndDefaultValues(self: Autograph.StringParamBase, values: List[str[1]]) None
Same as
but also set the current value
- class Autograph.StrokeStyleParam
- class Autograph.TextAnimatorListParam
- class Autograph.TextAnimatorParam
- AnchorPoint = <Property.AnchorPoint: 1048576>
- FillColor = <Property.FillColor: 16>
- LetterSpacing = <Property.LetterSpacing: 4096>
- LineHeight = <Property.LineHeight: 524288>
- Opacity = <Property.Opacity: 65536>
- Position = <Property.Position: 8192>
- class Property
- AnchorPoint = <Property.AnchorPoint: 1048576>
- FillColor = <Property.FillColor: 16>
- LetterSpacing = <Property.LetterSpacing: 4096>
- LineHeight = <Property.LineHeight: 524288>
- Opacity = <Property.Opacity: 65536>
- Position = <Property.Position: 8192>
- Rotation = <Property.Rotation: 16384>
- Scale = <Property.Scale: 32768>
- Skew = <Property.Skew: 2097152>
- StrokeColor = <Property.StrokeColor: 131072>
- StrokeWidth = <Property.StrokeWidth: 262144>
- property name
- property value
- Rotation = <Property.Rotation: 16384>
- Scale = <Property.Scale: 32768>
- Skew = <Property.Skew: 2097152>
- StrokeColor = <Property.StrokeColor: 131072>
- StrokeWidth = <Property.StrokeWidth: 262144>
- property amount
- property anchorPoint
- property anchorPointGrouping
- property enabled
- property fillColor
- property fontLetterSpacing
- getProperties(self: Autograph.TextAnimatorParam) List[Autograph.TextAnimatorParam.Property]
Returns all enabled animated properties
- isPropertyEnabled(self: Autograph.TextAnimatorParam, property: Autograph.TextAnimatorParam.Property) bool
Returns whether the property animation is enabled
- property lineHeight
- property opacity
- property position
- property rotation
- property scale
- property selectors
- setPropertyEnabled(self: Autograph.TextAnimatorParam, property: Autograph.TextAnimatorParam.Property, enabled: bool) None
Enable or disable the property animation
- property skew
- property strokeColor
- property strokeWidth
- class Autograph.TextBlock
- property charFormatIndex
Returns the index of the block format in the text document
- property text
Returns the text of the block
- class Autograph.TextBlockFormat
- class Alignment
- AlignAbsolute = <Alignment.AlignAbsolute: 16>
- AlignBaseline = <Alignment.AlignBaseline: 256>
- AlignBottom = <Alignment.AlignBottom: 64>
- AlignCenter = <Alignment.AlignCenter: 132>
- AlignHCenter = <Alignment.AlignHCenter: 4>
- AlignJustify = <Alignment.AlignJustify: 8>
- AlignLeft = <Alignment.AlignLeft: 1>
- AlignRight = <Alignment.AlignRight: 2>
- AlignTop = <Alignment.AlignTop: 32>
- AlignVCenter = <Alignment.AlignVCenter: 128>
- property name
- property value
- property alignment
- property bottomMargin
- property leftMargin
- property lineHeight
- property rightMargin
- property textIdentation
- property topMargin
- class Autograph.TextCharFormat
- class Capitalization
- AllLowercase = <Capitalization.AllLowercase: 2>
- AllUppercase = <Capitalization.AllUppercase: 1>
- Capitalize = <Capitalization.Capitalize: 4>
- MixedCase = <Capitalization.MixedCase: 0>
- SmallCaps = <Capitalization.SmallCaps: 3>
- property name
- property value
- class SpacingMode
- Absolute = <SpacingMode.Absolute: 1>
- Percent = <SpacingMode.Percent: 0>
- property name
- property value
- class Stretch
- AnyStretch = <Stretch.AnyStretch: 0>
- Condensed = <Stretch.Condensed: 75>
- Expanded = <Stretch.Expanded: 125>
- ExtraCondensed = <Stretch.ExtraCondensed: 62>
- ExtraExpanded = <Stretch.ExtraExpanded: 150>
- SemiCondensed = <Stretch.SemiCondensed: 87>
- SemiExpanded = <Stretch.SemiExpanded: 112>
- UltraCondensed = <Stretch.UltraCondensed: 50>
- UltraExpanded = <Stretch.UltraExpanded: 200>
- Unstretched = <Stretch.Unstretched: 100>
- property name
- property value
- class Weight
- Black = <Weight.Black: 87>
- Bold = <Weight.Bold: 75>
- DemiBold = <Weight.DemiBold: 63>
- ExtraBold = <Weight.ExtraBold: 81>
- ExtraLight = <Weight.ExtraLight: 12>
- Light = <Weight.Light: 25>
- Medium = <Weight.Medium: 57>
- Normal = <Weight.Normal: 50>
- Thin = <Weight.Thin: 0>
- property name
- property value
- property fillColor
- property fontCapitalization
- property fontFamily
- property fontItalic
- property fontKerning
- property fontLetterSpacing
- property fontLetterSpacingMode
- property fontPixelSize
- property fontSpacing
- property fontStretch
- property fontStrikeout
- property fontStyle
- property fontUnderline
- property fontWeight
- property strokeColor
- property strokeOverFill
- property strokeWidth
- class Autograph.TextDocument
- getAllFormats(self: Autograph.TextDocument) List[Autograph.TextFormat]
Returns an array of all
used in the document.TextBlock
refer to these formats by their index in this array
- getBlockAtIndex(self: Autograph.TextDocument, index: int) Autograph.TextBlock
Returns the
at the given index
- getNumBlocks(self: Autograph.TextDocument) int
Returns the number of
in the document
- class Autograph.TextDocumentEditor
- clear(self: Autograph.TextDocumentEditor) None
Clear the document
- clearSelection(self: Autograph.TextDocumentEditor) None
Clear any selected character in the object. Note that this does not affect the visual selection made by the user
- deleteChar(self: Autograph.TextDocumentEditor) None
Remove the selected characters or the character next to the current position if there’s no selection
- deletePreviousChar(self: Autograph.TextDocumentEditor) None
Remove the selected characters or the character right before the current position if there’s no selection
- getBlockFormatBeforePosition(self: Autograph.TextDocumentEditor) Autograph.TextBlockFormat
Returns the
of the character before the current position
- getCharFormatBeforePosition(self: Autograph.TextDocumentEditor) Autograph.TextCharFormat
Returns the
of the character before the current position
- getSelectionEnd(self: Autograph.TextDocumentEditor) int
Returns the 1 past the index of the last selected character, or the same as
if there’s no selection
- getSelectionStart(self: Autograph.TextDocumentEditor) int
Returns the first index of the selected characters, or the same as
if there’s no selection
- insertBlock(self: Autograph.TextDocumentEditor) None
Insert a new block in the document. Note that the document when empty already has one empty block
- insertText(self: Autograph.TextDocumentEditor, text: str) None
Insert the given
in the current block with the current character format
- insertTextWithFormat(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
insertTextWithFormat(self: Autograph.TextDocumentEditor, text: str, charFormat: Autograph.TextCharFormat) -> None
Insert the given
in the current block with the givenTextCharFormat
insertTextWithFormat(self: Autograph.TextDocumentEditor, blockFormat: Autograph.TextBlockFormat) -> None
Insert a new
with the givenTextBlockFormat
- property position
Set the position of the cursor where to insert or edit characters
- selectCharacters(self: Autograph.TextDocumentEditor, n: int) None
Select the
next characteers after the current position. Note that this does not affect the visual selection made by the user
- setBlockCharFormat(self: Autograph.TextDocumentEditor, charFormat: Autograph.TextCharFormat) None
Set the
of all characters within theTextBlock
at the current position or of all selected blocks
- setBlockFormat(self: Autograph.TextDocumentEditor, blockFormat: Autograph.TextBlockFormat) None
Set the
of theTextBlock
at the current position or of all selected blocks
- setCharFormat(self: Autograph.TextDocumentEditor, charFormat: Autograph.TextCharFormat) None
Set the
at the current position or of all selected characters
- class Autograph.TextFormat
- isValid(self: Autograph.TextFormat) bool
- class Autograph.TextFragment
- property charFormatIndex
Returns the index of the character format in the text document
- property length
Returns the number of characters in the fragment
- property position
Returns the index of the first character in the fragment
- class Autograph.TextSelectorListParam
- class Autograph.TextSelectorParam
- property amount
- property amplitude
- property basedOn
- property correlation
- property easeHigh
- property easeLow
- property easing
- property enabled
- property end
- property fps
- property frequency
- property maxAmount
- property minAmount
- property mode
- property offset
- property overshoot
- property period
- property randomize
- property randomizeSeed
- property repeat
- property repeatSpacing
- property shape
- property spatialPhase
- property start
- property type
- property units
- class Autograph.Timecode
A Timecode is a small object representing a precise time-point in the form hour:minute:second:frame
- property frame
- property hour
- property minute
- property second
- toSeconds(self: Autograph.Timecode, fps: float) float
- class Autograph.TimelineClipboard
- getText(self: Autograph.TimelineClipboard) str
Returns the serialized JSON text from the clipboard
- storeInSystemClipboard(self: Autograph.TimelineClipboard) None
Store the current clipboard states to the Desktop clipboard. This is useful to paste it in another text editor
- class Autograph.TimelinePanel
The TimelinePanel controls anything in the timeline such as the current time, selected rows, selected keyframes and active composition.
- property activeComposition
The active
set in the timeline
- applyClipboardToSelection(self: Autograph.TimelinePanel, clipboard: Autograph.TimelineClipboard) None
Applies the given clipboard to the current selection
- collapseItem(self: Autograph.TimelinePanel, row: Autograph.TimelineRow) None
Collapses the given
but not necessarily its parent rows
- expandItem(self: Autograph.TimelinePanel, row: Autograph.TimelineRow) None
Expands the given
but not necessarily its parent rows
- expandRecursively(self: Autograph.TimelinePanel, row: Autograph.TimelineRow, depth: int = -1) None
Expands the tree node at the given row in the view recursively down to
should be relative to the depth ofrow
. Ifdepth
is -1, the tree will be expanded all the way down to all leaves.
- getClipboard(self: Autograph.TimelinePanel, rows: List[Autograph.TimelineRow], keys: List[Tuple[Autograph.Param, int, float]]) Autograph.TimelineClipboard
Returns a new
that contains the serialization of the givenrows
and keyframes
- getClipboardFromSelection(self: Autograph.TimelinePanel) Autograph.TimelineClipboard
Returns a new
that contains the serialization of the current selection
- getClipboardFromSystem(self: Autograph.TimelinePanel) Autograph.TimelineClipboard
Returns a new
that contains the serialization set in the current ‘text/plain’ mimetype of the system’s clipboard
- getRow(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
getRow(self: Autograph.TimelinePanel, param: Autograph.Param, dimension: int = 0) -> Autograph.TimelineRow
Returns a
object corresponding to the givenparam
dimensiongetRow(self: Autograph.TimelinePanel, effect: Autograph.Effect) -> Autograph.TimelineRow
Returns a
object corresponding to the giveneffect
(which can be a layer)
- getSelectedKeyframes(self: Autograph.TimelinePanel) List[Tuple[Autograph.Param, int, float]]
Returns the currently selected keyframes
- getSelectedRows(self: Autograph.TimelinePanel) List[Autograph.TimelineRow]
Returns the list of selected
- mapParamToTimelineTime(self: Autograph.TimelinePanel, param: Autograph.Param, timeInSeconds: float) float
Convert a time (in seconds) from the given
local time space to a Composition referred time space. The mapping will properly apply all offsets and stretches on layers. This produces the inverse ofmapTimelineToParamTime()
- mapTimelineToParamTime(self: Autograph.TimelinePanel, param: Autograph.Param, timeInSeconds: float) float
Convert a time (in seconds) from a Composition referred time space to the given
local time space. The mapping will properly apply all offsets and stretches on layers
- onActiveCompositionChanged(self: Autograph.TimelinePanel, callback: object) None
Register a callback invoked when the timeline’s active
is changed. The function signature must be callback(panelTimelinePanel
, composition:Composition
- onCurrentTimeChanged(self: Autograph.TimelinePanel, callback: object) None
Register a callback invoked when the timeline’s current time is changed. The function signature must be callback(panel:
, time:Timecode
- onKeyframesSelectionChanged(self: Autograph.TimelinePanel, arg0: object) None
Register a callback invoked when the keyframes selection changes. The function signature must be callback(panel
- onSelectionChanged(self: Autograph.TimelinePanel, callback: object) None
Register a callback invoked when the timeline’s selected rows changes. The function signature must be callback(panel
- revealItem(self: Autograph.TimelinePanel, row: Autograph.TimelineRow) None
Expand all ancestor rows to ensure this row is visible and also scrolls the view to ensure the row is visible in the view
- secondsToTimecode(self: Autograph.TimelinePanel, sec: float) Autograph.Timecode
Convert seconds to a timecode using the active composition framerate
- setSelectedKeyframes(self: Autograph.TimelinePanel, keys: List[Tuple[Autograph.Param, int, float]]) None
Set the currently selected keyframes. Each keyframe is a tuple [param:
, time:float
- setSelectedRows(self: Autograph.TimelinePanel, rows: List[Autograph.TimelineRow]) None
Set the timeline’s selected rows
- timecodeToSeconds(self: Autograph.TimelinePanel, timecode: Autograph.Timecode) float
Convert a timecode to seconds using the active composition framerate
- class Autograph.TimelineRow
- class Autograph.Transform2DParam
- property amount
- property anchorPoint
- getMatrix(self: Autograph.Transform2DParam, arg0: float) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 3]]
Returns the 3x3 transform matrix, properly applying generator/modifiers if any
- property invert
- property position
- property rotation
- property scale
- property skew
- property skewOrder
- class Autograph.Transform3DParam
- property amount
- property anchorPoint
- getMatrix(self: Autograph.Transform3DParam, arg0: float) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[4, 4]]
Returns the 4x4 transform matrix, properly applying generator/modifiers if any
- property interpolationMode
- property invert
- property position
- property quaternionAngle
- property rotation
- property rotationOrder
- property scale
- property skew
- property skewOrder
- class Autograph.UndoCommand
- doRedo(self: Autograph.UndoCommand) None
- doUndo(self: Autograph.UndoCommand) None
- class Autograph.ViewerPanel
- Alpha = <DisplayChannels.Alpha: 4>
- Blue = <DisplayChannels.Blue: 3>
- BlueStraight = <DisplayChannels.BlueStraight: 10>
- class DisplayChannels
- Alpha = <DisplayChannels.Alpha: 4>
- Blue = <DisplayChannels.Blue: 3>
- BlueStraight = <DisplayChannels.BlueStraight: 10>
- Green = <DisplayChannels.Green: 2>
- GreenStraight = <DisplayChannels.GreenStraight: 9>
- Matte = <DisplayChannels.Matte: 5>
- RGB = <DisplayChannels.RGB: 0>
- Red = <DisplayChannels.Red: 1>
- RedStraight = <DisplayChannels.RedStraight: 8>
- property name
- property value
- Green = <DisplayChannels.Green: 2>
- GreenStraight = <DisplayChannels.GreenStraight: 9>
- Matte = <DisplayChannels.Matte: 5>
- RGB = <DisplayChannels.RGB: 0>
- Red = <DisplayChannels.Red: 1>
- RedStraight = <DisplayChannels.RedStraight: 8>
- centerViewerOn(self: Autograph.ViewerPanel, point: List[float[2]]) None
Center the viewer to the given coordinate, in scene space
- property channels
The channels of the image to display
- property checkerboardEnabled
Whether the checkerboard is enabled
- property clipFormatEnabled
Whether the rendered image is clipped to the format or not
- property colorPickerEnabled
Whether the viewer should compute a color-picker image. This is required for
to succeed
- property currentTime
class`Timecode` of the timeline
- Type:
The current
- fitToFormat(self: Autograph.ViewerPanel) None
Fit the currently displayed image format in the viewport
- property formatOverride
, pixelAspectRatio:float
] that overrides the actualComposition
format. Note that the format must match a known format in the Preferences.- Type:
A tuple [width
- Type:
, height
- property fullScreen
Whether the viewport is fullscreen on screen or not
- property gainEnabled
Whether the gain output process is enabled
- property gainValue
The gain value of the output process. This is actually used as a power of two
- property gammaEnabled
Whether the gamma output process is enabled
- property gammaValue
Whether the gamma output process is enabled
- getColorFromImage(self: Autograph.ViewerPanel, position: List[float[2]]) Tuple[bool, List[float[4]], List[float[4]]]
Returns a tuple [gotIt:
, workingColorspaceValues:list[4 float]
, displaySpaceValues:list[4 float
] with the Working Colorspace RGBA and Display Colorspace RGBA values of the image at the given scene position. The value is not interpolated and coordinates are rounded to the nearest pixel integer position. This function may return False if the coordinaate are outside the image bounds or if the viewer doesn’t have a color-picker image (which may happen ifcolorPickerEnabled
is False).
- getFirstFrame(self: Autograph.ViewerPanel) Autograph.Timecode
Returns the first frame of the timeline
- getImageFormat(self: Autograph.ViewerPanel) Tuple[int, int, float]
Returns a tuple [width:
, height:int
, pixelAspectRatio:float
] with the format of the main source of the viewer
- getLastFrame(self: Autograph.ViewerPanel) Autograph.Timecode
Returns the last frame of the timeline
- hasColorPickerImage(self: Autograph.ViewerPanel) bool
Wether the viewer has a color-picker image that can be used for
- property is3DEnabled
When the main source of the viewer is a 3D
, this attribute controls whether the viewer is in 3D or 2D
- isDuringPlayback(self: Autograph.ViewerPanel) bool
Returns true if playback is active
- property mainSource
to render in the B slot of the viewport. If this is aComposition
, it also set the timeline of the viewport to be the one of theTimelinePanel
currently editing this Composition.
- property mainSourceLocked
if set to a Compositon, changing the active
of the associatedTimelinePanel
will not switch the source of the viewer.- Type:
Whether the B slot is locked
- property ocioDisplayName
The OpenColorIO Display name
- property ocioViewTransformName
The OpenColorIO View transform name
- onAltSourceChanged(self: Autograph.ViewerPanel, callback: object) None
Register a callback invoked when the A slot of the viewer is changed. The function signature must be: callback(self:
- onCurrentTimeChanged(self: Autograph.ViewerPanel, callback: object) None
Register a callback invoked when the timeline’s current time has changed. The function signature must be: callback(self:
, time:Timecode
- onMainSourceChanged(self: Autograph.ViewerPanel, callback: object) None
Register a callback invoked when the B slot of the viewer is changed. The function signature must be: callback(self:
- startPlayback(self: Autograph.ViewerPanel, forward: bool = True) None
Start playback (if not running, otherwise call stopPlayback() first). If
is false, playback will be in reverse
- stopPlayback(self: Autograph.ViewerPanel) None
Stop playback if active
- property uiVisible
Whether the UI (toolbars etc…) are visible in the viewport
- property wipeEnabled
Whether the wipe between the B and A slots is enabled
- property zoomFactor
The current zoom factor of the viewport