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Graph editor overview

The "Graph Editor" is one of the modules of the timeline, like the Dopesheet or the one dedicated to parenting. It is accessible on the right side via a button representing a curve.


Once activated, the right part of the timeline will be entirely replaced by a graph allowing to modify the interpolation of curves created from keyframes, but also to inspect the evolution of a parameter following the use of Generators and Modifiers.

Inspect curves

The Graph Editor is designed to visualize and edit animated parameters:

  • Using Keyframes
  • Using generators
  • Using modifiers

To make this parameter appear in the editor, just select it in the Stack.


By default, the part of the timeline that was visible before switching to the editor remains the same after it appears.

However, having selected the name of a parameter automatically selects all the keyframes it contains. So now you can press the fitting button, or press the F key in order to exploit the whole width of the editor.


Moving in Graph Editor is done in the same way as in the timeline, offering several types of shortcuts, sometimes for the same actions.

  • Panning:

    • Ctrl/Cmd + Left Button
    • Middle Button
    • Alt + Left Button
  • Zoom:

    • Alt + Mouse wheel
    • Ctrl/Cmd + Alt + Left Button

You can also use the scroll bars at the bottom of the dope sheet and on the right of the stack to move around.

Points handling:

The keys in the graph editor can be selected one by one or by using a selection square, which appears by holding the left mouse button.


This selection square allows to move but also to resize a set of keyframes

Moving points can be done freely on the X and Y axis at the same time.

But it is also possible to lock an axis, depending on the direction in which you move, by clicking the "Lock" button

Adding points:

To add a point to a curve, press the Ctrl/Cmd key and click on it.


Autograph offers about 50 interpolations, applying to the currently selected keyframes and extending to the following keyframes.

After selecting at least one key, use the menu on the right to interactively choose the interpolation that suits you, whether it is predefined or Custom.

Inspect generators/modifiers

Selecting a parameter allows to display its animation curve, whatever the way you animate it:

  • Keyframes
  • Generators
  • Modifiers

By adding a "Noise" generator on a rotation and selecting this parameter, we can see in the Graph Editor its evolution in time.


The same is true if this parameter is animated with keyframes, while undergoing modifications by adding a modifier.