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File Browser

A browser in four sections

The File Browser appears when saving or opening a file or importing an item in the Project Panel.

It is made up of 4 sections:

  • The main browsing window: displays the files in the current folder
  • Volumes: gives you access to your storage units and system aliases.
  • Bookmarks: provides quick access to specific folders
  • Recent files: displays a list of recently opened or saved files



The file types displayed in the Recent Files list will depend on the menu from which the File Browser was called up. The File > Open Project File menu will only display Autograph projects, while File > Import Files will display images, movies, sounds or 3D files.

Main window top bar

At the top of the main window, there is a bar containing the following (from left to right):

  • Two buttons to go back or forward in the browsing history
  • A list of all visited folders since the File Browser appeared.
  • A button to access the top folder
  • The path to the current folder
  • A refresh button to update the current folder contents.
  • A search bar to filter file display
  • Two buttons to switch to List mode or Grid mode
  • A button that opens the current folder in the system browser

Display Modes

List mode:

List files in current folder, sorted by name and containing 4 columns:

  • File Name
  • File Type
  • File Creation Date
  • File Size


Grid mode:

When loading or saving an Autograph Project (.agp) file, thumbnails embedded in projects are displayed.

An additional slider appeared to define thumbnail size.



Thumbnails are created by taking a snapshot of the last active Viewer at the time of saving.

Creating Bookmarks

Bookmarks let you remember the path to the current directory, so you can return to it more quickly later.

Adding a bookmark:

To create a new bookmark, simply click on the + button, located in the Bookmarks section, to the left of the file browser. It will appear just underneath, with the name of the current folder.

If you want to rename a bookmark, just select it and press the Enter or F2 key.

Removing a bookmark:

To delete a bookmark, select it from the list in the bookmarks section and press the - button.

Image Sequence

When accessing a folder containing a sequence of images, it appears as a single element instead of individual files.

That's because the Sequence View switch in the top right-hand corner is enabled by default:


If this switch is turned off, all individual files will be displayed:
