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Spline Warp

Brief Description

Warp an image based on pins and shapes that you create in the viewport.


The Image Warp modifiers provides the user with a large panel of tools to warp, deform and bend a given graphic source. These tools, or modes, can be employed for smallscale and largescale deformations alike.

Dual pin

The dual pin is the most basic tool in the Image warp toolset. It should be used to perform single "point to point" deformations.

The design of the dual pin allows the user to drag a point of the graphic source from a source position to a target position.

By pressing the right mouse button, you will create a source pin at the cursor position. Then, by holding the mouse button, you may drag the target pin accross the image and release it on the desired position. The input is warped in real-time, which is useful to perform local, on the fly corrections to an area.

Spline warp

The spline warp should be used to distort the image by warping a source shape group to a target shape group. In a similat way to the shape generator, these shape groups can be created and edited using shape-specific tools, which are made available in the vertical toolbar whenever this mode is active.

This is implemented by generating a fixed number of source pins along the source paths, and their corresponding target pins on the target path. The number of pins is determined by the resolution parameter.

Flow warp

The flow warp deforms the graphic source along a path. Similarly to the spline warp, the flow warp is based on a geometry group; this geometry group defines the path driving the deformation.

Under the hood, the flow warp consists of a series of source and target pins distributed accross the same path, with the target pins offsetted by a certain distance on the curve.

In addition, we offer two more anchoring modes. They must be used to nullify the effects of any deformation in a given area.

Fixed pin

The fixed pin should be used to specify a region of the graphic source that must not be affected bby the deformations.

Fixed pins are virtually identical to a dual pin whose source and target pins share the same position.

Boundary spline

The boundary spline defines a boundary prevents the any deformation on one side of the spline to carry over to the other side. Effectively, this mode can be used to restrict the warping to a specific area.

The boundary spline works by setting up a series of fixed pins along the defined path.

When toggled, the hard boundary option creates a clipping mask outdside the shape group, nullifying all but the deformations within it.


Parameter / Script Name Type Default Function
Enabled / enabled Boolean On
Warp Pins / PinList - List of warp pins
Global warping / scale Float 1 A normalized warping multiplier applied to the warping vectors. Useful for animating the deformation (as a whole).
Invert Vectors / invert Boolean Off Inverts the direction of all the warping vectors. Useful for getting the reverse deformation
Resolution / resolution Float 50 Frequency of points to generate along the curve-based deformations
Pins Transform / pin_transform - Transformation applied to all pins. This is useful to make pins follow the motion of an object using the tracker
Borders / bordersWarp Choice Composition format Defines the behavior of the edges of the input.
- Bounding box: The borders of the input will remain fixed. This operation introduces fixed points along the borders of the inpur. Recommended for most use-cases.
- Composition format: The corners of the input will remain fixed. Thix operation introduces four fixed point at each corner of the input. The edges will still be subjected to deformations
- Composition corners: The corners of the input will remain fixed. Thix operation introduces four fixed point at each corner of the input. The edges will still be subjected to deformations
- None: No fixed edge is defined. It is recommended to place at least 3 fixed points manually.
Wrap U / u_wrap Choice Black How the source image is accessed when the X coordinate is out of bounds
- Black
- Clamp to edge
- Repeat
- Mirror
Wrap V / v_wrap Choice Black How the source image is accessed when the Y coordinate is out of bounds
- Black
- Clamp to edge
- Repeat
- Mirror
Supersampling / supersampling Choice x2 The supersampling factor. Higher means more quality and antialiasing but slower to render
- x1
- x2
- x4
- x8
- x16