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Individual Point Parameters

The Shape Keys feature allows you to animate all Path points at once. But Autograph also provides the option to access individual Path point parameters independently.

To do this, simply right-click on a Path and enable the Show Point Parameters option.


Contour Points

After enabling this option, a new Contour Points parameter group will appear in the Properties section. Unfolding it will display all of the points that make up the path.

Each point is represented on three lines:

  • Left X: tangent coordinates preceding the point
  • Point X: point coordinates
  • Right X: tangent coordinates following the point


This is useful for controlling each Path control point (including its left and right tangents) as normal parameters. For example, you could use a Follow Track to make a point follow a tracker. For more information on this, see the tracker section.

If Path points represent a polygonal shape and you don't want to manage tangents, simply create a Link between the point coordinates and those of its tangents in order to replicate their values. All you have to do is manage the Point X position.