Path Modifiers
The Style and Shape Group Modifiers section went over how to add Image Modifiers to a Style or Shape Group, in the same way as a Layer Source.
But Autograph also offers Path Modifiers that work at vector level to move existing points and reduce/increase their number.
Adding a Path Modifier
To add a Modifier to a Path or Path Group, click on the Modifier slot to the right of the line. Alternatively, select the parameter and press the Q key to bring up the Quick Access Menu.
- Audio Displace Path: adds points and distorts the Path according to audio frequencies. These parameters are very similar to Audio Analyzer parameters.
- Hold Frame: freezes an animated Path by specifying a precise time based on a timecode, frame, or second.
- Image Displace: works in the same way as the Displace Image Modifier, using the source connected to the Displacement Map parameter to deform a Path.
- Loop Animation: loops a time segment of an animated Path indefinitely or a set number of times.
- Noise: deforms a Path according to the light intensity of a noise, similiar to the Noise Image Generator using a Layer Source.
- Oscillate: adds waves along the Path using different modes (Sin, Cos, Triangle, SawTooth, Square), frequencies, size, phase, etc.
- Path Instancer: works the same way as the Instancer but at a vector level. Allows you to duplicate and create hundreds of variations of the same Path or Path Group.
- Push Along Normals: pushes all Path points according to there normals. Useful for shrinking or inflating a closed shape or make an even wider turn.
- Replay Animation: replays multiple time segments by defining several Events.
- Subdivide (Linear): increases the points number without smoothing the resulting shape.
- Subdivide (Smooth): increases the points number while smoothing the resulting shape.
- Swirl: deforms a Path into a spiral.
- Time Offset: adds an additional Time-Offset to a Path or Path Group animation.
- Time Remap: allows you to Time-Remap a Path or Path Group animation.
- Transform: additional Transformation applied on all Path points.
- Trim Path: cuts the Path at one end or the other, in the same way as the Stroke Style does when drawing a Path.