Wiggly Selector

Alongside the Range Selector, the Wiggly Selector lets you assign random weights to each character on which the Animator will act.

To add a Wiggly Selector, click on the button next to the Animator and select the selector at the bottom of the list, which will add Wiggly 1 to the tree.

The first three parameters are the same as the Range Selector parameters:

  • Based on
  • Mode
  • Enable Min Max Contribution

The following parameters control the way random weights evolve. The Wiggly Selector is based on a Generator similar to the Noise that can be applied to any numerical value.

Unlike a Random Generator, time continuity is ensured from one frame to the next in order to create a smooth animation.

  • Min Amount: minimum possible value, expressed as a percentage of the parameter values defined in the Animator.
  • Max Amount: same as Min Amount, but for the minimum possible value.
  • Frequency: oscillation speed; higher frequencies will produce faster animation.
  • Correlation: weight variation along generation. Lower values will produce more uniform waves.
  • Spatial Phase: each value generates different oscillations.
  • Temporal Phase: overall noise time offset.
  • Override FPS: renders the animaton at a different frame rate than the current composition.