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  • New Posterize Time modifier. Can be applied to images or properties, to avoid having to create a sub-composition.
  • Fix a bug where playback would stop after 1 frame when 2 viewers would be present in the workspace in some situations.
  • Fix visibility of modifiers in Inspector, when applied on custom user parameters
  • Properly remove any generator set on a parameter when clicking on the "Reset" action
  • Fix a bug where copy/pasting would not work between 1-dimensional and single-mode 2-dimensional properties
  • Fix a bug where viewer overlays of the layer source modifiers would still be transformed by the layer transform, even if "Transform before modifiers" was checked.
  • Fix a bug where Edge Draw Mode of a Stroke would be incorrectly rendered when in Outside or Inside mode
  • Fix a bug where Autograph would not start after clicking "Use Free Version" on some Windows machines
  • Fix a bug where some links between a 2D numeric param and a custom user Composition param could sometimes not be loaded when reloading a project
  • Enhance reactivity when handling compositions with many layers
  • Silence meaningless errors in the windows installer
  • Fix multiple crash and freezes
  • Video Reader: fix a bug where videos with a pixel aspect ratio that is not 1 (e.g: NTSC) would get translated
  • Remove the "Curve Interpolation" menu from the keyframe popup
  • Fix a bug where duplicating a Text layer would show both 2D and 3D properties and range selectors would no longer be visible
  • Fix a bug where undoing a keyframe copy/paste would remove all animation on the curve
  • Fix "Show keyframes" button at the bottom of the layer stack that wasn't working
  • Fix a bug where the U (Show/Hide keyframmes) shortcut would not fold all layers when removing filter
  • Fix a bug with mirrored paste of keyframes
  • Fix a bug where paste replace of keyframes would not correctly paste retiming keyframes for spatial parameters
  • Fix a bug when snapping multiple layers with the transform tool
  • Fix a bug where right click Paste actions would sometimes not be available for params
  • Fix a bug where manually moving the Y curve of a spatial parameter in the curve editor in Value Graph would add retime keyframes in the Retime graph
  • Live Link: properly show sliders in Resolve UI for numeric properties
  • Add an easy way to pass environment variables to Autograph via Autograph.env file


  • Fix a bug where interpolation curves could sometimes not be well fitted in the Curve Editor
  • Layer Mask: Fix a bug where retiming was not applied to the mask
  • BasicKeyer: Fix a bug with the Mode menu where it would automatically show/hide controllers while hovering the mouse over menu items
  • Fix a bug when stacking multiple Adjustment Layers where enabling/disabling one could not always refreesh the composition properly


  • Fixed Windows installation that required nvidiacuda.dll for users without a Nvidia graphic card
  • Fixed loading/exporting custom Modifier packages on Linux/macOS
  • Fixed usage of Display Transforms in OCIOColorspace Modifier and added Display Transforms in the Output Colorspaces menu of the media readers
  • Fixed various crashes

New Features & Enhancements in 2025.1v0

  • New Autograph Starter version: Create up to 2 projects for free (even commercially) with Autograph!
  • New Autograph Live Link OpenFX plug-in (in beta for macOS/Windows) that lets you use all the power of Autograph right within DaVinci Resolve. Simply drag & drop Generators, Filters, and Transitions on your video editor's timeline and pick a template in the library that comes with the plug-in.
  • New After Effects project importer: Convert your AE projects to Autograph in a single click.
  • New 3D Text layer extrude and per-character 3D animation
  • New 3D Material and Mesh layer types to create 3D primitives and edit animated materials directly in the Timeline
  • New Inspector Panel replacing the old Properties Panel that lets you inspect anything in your selection in a single click without having to unfold multiple properties
  • Improved selection system: Coherent selection between the Timeline, Inspector, and Viewer.
  • It is now possible to select 3D layers directly in the 2D viewport, both by mouse clicks and drawing a selection rectangle.
  • Shape selection is now much more intuitive right within the Transform tool. A re-design of the Overlay Options menu in the Viewer lets you select what types and which shapes to display in the Viewer.
  • Multi-editing parameters has been enhanced with the new Inspector Panel
  • Many actions have been re-organized into right-click menus to avoid cluttering the UI
  • Added new Jump To Controller, Show Linked Parameters, and Show Shared Parameters actions in parameter right-click menus to quickly navigate between dependencies.
  • Improved Retime Graph: Unlimited amount of retime keyframes can be added between 2 consecutive non-time-adaptive spatial keyframes.
  • Playback control between Timelines and Viewers has been improved so that multiple playbacks can be run simulataneously by different Timeline panels that control different Viewers. Useful for example for watching an Intro and Outro animation at the same time.
  • The user interface has been redesigned across the board to provide more space and a more pleasant theme.
  • Modified Timeline filters so that pressing the shortcut twice toggles the filter
  • Improved Python API with new functions that were necessary to implement the After Effects converter
  • Tweaked Adjustment Layer behavior to match After Effects behavior by default: The source of Adjustment Layers is now a Constant the size of the Composition that acts as a mask on Modifiers. Also added infinite Adjustment Layers (with an infinite Constant).
  • New guide layer option on layers to make them hidden while rendering in a sub-composition or when exporting
  • New Path Modifiers: Oscillate and Swirl
  • New Edge Blur Image Modifier
  • Expression Generator: Listing keyframes with the Keyframe Expression API of a local parameter created on the Generator that is linked to another parameter anywhere in the project will now list keyframes of that linked parameter rather than the local parameter
  • Navigating in a sub-composition or parent composition now moves the Timeline's playhead to preserve the same frame on screen

Bug Fixes

  • Many stability fixes
  • Performance improvments across the board when dealing with projects with many layers
  • Fixed issues where layer time remapping could alter visibility keyframes and make the layer visible even outside its range