Animator Modifier
An Alternative to Keyframe Animation
The Animator is a bit special because it is halfway between a Generator and a Modifier. Just like every Modifier, it can be added to the data embedded in a parameter or on the result of a Generator, but it has two options:
- The value(s) produced can be added to the existing one(s)
- This/these value(s) can progressively replace the existing one(s)
The Animator allows you to generate a 100% procedural animation on a single parameter (1D/2D/3D/4D), defined by an interpolation type, a start time, and a duration or end time.
In the following example, an Animator modifier is added to a logo's Position parameter:
Unlike keyframe animation, which allows you to specify several states over time, the purpose of the Animator modifier is simply to create a transition between two states, as if the animation were created by just two keyframes.
Although this may seem more restrictive, the advantage is that this animation is defined solely by numerical parameters that can be exposed in a composition's custom parameters, to create a Template/Package for example.
Interpolaton Type and Additionnal Parameters
The first parameter defines the interpolation type for moving from one state to another. Elastic mode is used by default.
Depending on the interpolation type used, additional options will be added to the list:
- Amplitude: highest amplitude during oscillation (Elastic, Bounce)
- Period: oscillations per second (Elastic)
- Overshoot: rate of exceeding final value (Back)
End Value Mode
Moving from the initial to the final state is done by setting a value, which can be used in two different ways depending on the End Value Mode.
- Offset will add the animation relative to the initial value
- Target Value will progressively replace it with the value set in Offset/EndValue
If Target Value mode is used, the Offset parameter will now be called End Value:
The following examples use a Duration value of 1 second:
The Offset mode adds animation relative to the original position, so the layer can be moved even after the modifier has been fully applied, after the first second.
Since Target Value mode completely replaces the original position values, moving the layer after the first second won't change anything visually, although it will modify the original values.
By default, the Offset/End Value parameter is in Single mode, but can be switched to Unified or Separated mode.
Animation Duration and End Time Mode
The animation duration for switching from one state to another can be set in different ways.
The End Time Mode allows you to choose between a duration relative to Start Time, or a precise Timecode.
This will change the name of the Duration parameter to End Time:
- Start Time: Time parameter which describes the starting time of the animation, depending of the Start/End Time-space current state (see below)
- Duration/End Time: Time parameter which describes the Duration or End time of the animation.
Start/End Time-Space
The End Time Mode offers two ways of setting the animation duration. But since a layer can be subject to a time offset, the question is whether or not this should be taken into account when defining the animation.
The Start/End Time-Space parameter defines whether the time information is based on:
- Param Local: taking into account possible temporal modifications (_Time Offset, Speed multiplier, etc)
- Composition: the absolute Composition time, ignoring layer time tweaking